We haven’t done much of anything for a long time. Lion got his orgasm, but that’s about it. He’s long overdue for a spanking. It’s been at least a month and a half, probably more. I thought we’d have a house to look at today, but the realtor never got back to me. I suggested taking a drive by one of the houses we like just to see if we’d really like it. The house we looked at on Thursday was a bust. We need to be more vigilant about looking on Google maps first. Anyway, I have four days off so maybe we’ll find some time to play and/or drag out the spanking bench.

The house we saw might have been a bust, but it was near Lion’s favorite casino. He wanted to “stop in for a bit” which is code for the whole night. It wasn’t that bad. If they’d still had their buffet, that might have been true, but we left before 6 pm to find food and head back home. Maybe that was our Christmas present to each other. He got to go to the casino and we got home early. A win for both of us.

I have a bunch of stuff to do around here. I was saving cardboard boxes from deliveries so I can start packing, but I got a little overzealous. They’re taking over the house. I need to get rid of some of them and knock down the usable ones so we can maneuver again. The house in general needs to be cleaned. Lion has been rolling his eyes and muttering about the mess for a while. He doesn’t seem to understand that he contributes to the mess when he orders things. Where does the stuff go? I mean, where can I put it? There’s only so much room for things. Maybe we need to look for a much bigger house so we have more storage space. Five bedrooms, a three-car garage, a basement and an attic should do it.

Actually, Lion is due for a spanking anyway. He’s been interrupting me a lot again. I’ve just been too annoyed with everything going on to punish him. I guess, especially since he’s been grumpy about the lack of spanking, I should finally test out that new paddle while I have four days off.

Lion has not had his orgasm yet. I expected him to do his shot yesterday, but he said he wasn’t ready when he came out of the shower. He said maybe later. “Maybe later” is code for it ain’t happening. Any time either of us says that, whatever it is gets pushed off.

We said we’d go out tonight to have Lion’s blood work done before his checkup appointment on Wednesday. When he pushed his orgasm off until today, he realized we had plans. There’s no reason we can’t do the blood work tomorrow. In a pinch, it can be done right before his appointment. We’ll do the boner juice tonight and the blood work tomorrow. Now, if he pushes it off again, I might ignore his pleas that he’s very horny. How horny can he be if he keeps pushing things off?

He’s also concerned that he hasn’t been spanked in well over a month. Perhaps, in addition to ignoring his pleas, if he pushes off his orgasm again tonight, he deserves that spanking. It’s not like he’s revving my engine up and leaving me hanging. He’s the one who’s supposedly horny. It’s really no skin off my nose. I only have to listen to him whine (he hasn’t been) that he’s horny. Maybe the prospect of a sore bottom will entice him to do the shot.

On the other hand, he does romanticize spanking. Would he push off an orgasm to force me to punish him? Hmmm. I want to say I don’t think so. He’s never been sneaky like that before. I don’t know that his need to be spanked is greater than his need for an orgasm. I guess I’ll find out later.

Lion is hoping for an orgasm tonight. Since Monday, I’ve been making up time for work. First, it was a doctor appointment for Lion. Then the car was ready. Then I left something in the rental car and needed to retrieve it. I had to make up five and a half hours. It was an extra hour, at least, every night. He kept telling me he was horny. Maybe we can use Edex tonight. I was frazzled from work. I was frazzled from having to make up so much time. I was frazzled from the toilet backing up and don’t I realize this is a big deal that can’t wait until I’m done with work. I was frazzled from everything.

Today, Lion asked what my plans were. Immediately, I assumed he was looking to be waxed. Let’s get it over with. It’s melting right now. He’s been itchy, so the bed needed changing and the bedroom needing vacuuming. And I might as well wash the bathmats and change the towels. And, of course, he’ll want to use Edex.

In the back of my mind, I know I need to start packing. I’ve been thinking about packing up most of the living room and some of the stuff in the closet we don’t use. Lion will ask why I’m packing so soon. We don’t even have a new place. He asked why I was looking for a place when we still have to pack. Catch-22. He doesn’t want to move in winter. I don’t want to go another round with the stupid toilet that backs up.

I know I’m on edge at the prospect of moving again. I want to get it done as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Lion can’t help with packing or actually moving things. He’s no good at unpacking either. That leaves everything to me, and I want to be done with it. I’m also trying to figure out what to do with us in the day or so between the time the house is packed, and the stuff is moved from one house to the other. I have a lot on my mind. I don’t care about waxing or changing the bed or what’s for dinner. As much as I hate change, I hate limbo even more.

It’s okay. Suck it up, buttercup.

I guess I was thinking like our last move that had to be done very quickly. I’ve been looking for houses to rent. Lion says we have time. It’s true. We need to pack, but then we’re in the catch-22 of we-can’t-pack-until-we-have-a-place-to-go. We also had the camper last time. We were able to park that in the backyard and sleep in it for a night or two before the movers brought our stuff. That’s not an option now. Oh well. We’ll figure it out.

Now that the car is sort of taken care of and the house hunting isn’t in panic mode, maybe we can get back to normal around here. Lion brought out the Edex the other night but we didn’t use it. I don’t remember if he was snoozing a lot or if I was achy. Sometime this weekend we need to use boner juice and the spanking bench. It’s been far too long for both. Lion’s buns have probably forgotten what it’s like to be whomped. I can take care of that.

What we need to do more of is being close. Lion will say I’m on my iPad too much. I’ll say he’s always snoozing. Both are true. We both need to make an effort to be more connected. I don’t mean just sex, but that’s part of it. It’s been a long time since he had an orgasm every night. I’m not saying he should. I don’t think he could. But he needs orgasms more often. I bet he’ll agree with that.

And he needs more spanking. He’ll agree with that here and all the way up until I drag out the spanking bench. Then he’ll be sorry he ever taught me how to spank. By the next day, he’ll be nostalgic about the last one and looking forward to the next one. Until that bench comes out.