Mrs. Lion orgasm
It’s been a long time since I’ve had a Lion-free orgasm.

I don’t know why I decided it would be a good idea to masturbate last night in front of Lion. I haven’t masturbated in a long time. It’s usually been in conjunction with Lion saying he misses giving me orgasms and wants me to get my libido back. I give it the old college try in private to see if anything happens. The past two times (at least) haven’t resulted in much of anything happening. I figure who would know better how to give me an orgasm than me? I know what feels good. I don’t have to tell myself faster or slower. I just do it. That is, of course, if the “it” wants to happen.

Did I think it would be a turn on for Lion to watch? Did I think he would learn anything? Did I think he would keep asking me what I was doing and how hard was I pressing and why is this spot better than that spot? I really don’t know. I was just thinking about Lion being caged all this time and his final sendoff was having him masturbate for me. It was mostly so I could see how he did it. I know I know how to do it, but who knows better than Lion what feels good to Lion.

As soon as Lion read my post I was trying to figure out how to back pedal. I’ve never masturbated in front of anyone. And my track record the past few times in private wasn’t very good. I could potentially be there all night trying to have an orgasm and not be successful. I knew Lion wasn’t going to let it go. If I hit the X minute mark and decided to stop, he would want me to continue. Or he’d want to do it for me and that was not the point of the exercise.

I used some lube. It wasn’t the lube I wanted to use but I didn’t know where the other one was and I figured it would take a long time to find it. The lube had a warming effect, which I thought would be nice. The warmth didn’t really have an effect one way or the other. Sure it felt good trying but it didn’t feel “turn on” good. Lion started touching me and kissing my neck. I just remember watching him when he masturbated. Somehow having him touch me made it different from masturbating. It wasn’t bad. Just different. And then he turned on music, which from time to time felt like a distraction. Not enough to turn it off. He was trying to help. When he told me to stick my fingers inside me I snapped back to thinking that I know what I’m doing. Obviously I didn’t or I would have been done long before I was.

The clitoris is a sensitive area. Direct contact will get you what you want but too much contact can go anywhere from uncomfortable to electric shock. As it took longer and longer to reach my destination, I decided to hop on the express train. Direct contact it was. And it did the trick. Twice. But it left me sore, which I knew it would. I won’t say I was looking to get it over with, but it was becoming clear that I could have gone on all night without much happening.

It’s worth mentioning that I don’t fantasize about George Clooney or whoever the latest heartthrob is. A long time ago a friend had sex with a guy who kept saying, “Come on, Eddie. Come on, Eddie. Come on, Eddie.” as they were screwing. (There was no second date.) My thoughts are similar though. I imagine getting close and basically egging myself on. Sometimes I think of Lion doing anything for me to make me come. That usually does it.

Last night was just weird. I don’t know if it was being watched or the music or what. Maybe it was just weird because it took so long. I think from now on I’ll have Lion give me any attention I need. The problem with that, of course, is if it’s just not happening he’ll think it’s his fault when it’s not. Sometimes it’s just not happening.

[Lion – Mrs. Lion didn’t take any longer than usual. I think she may be self conscious of the time it takes her to come. In my experience, she is fairly typical of women I have known. A very few have a hair trigger, most were about the same as Mrs. Lion.]

woman manasturbating
Lion is forbidden to masturbate, but I can do it whenever I want. This weekend I’ll show Lion what he’s missing.

When we first started enforced chastity I had Lion masturbate for me. I knew how to do it, obviously, but I wanted to see how he did it. How fast or slow did he go? What grip did he use? Where did he grip? In hindsight it was very symbolic. It was the last time he was allowed to masturbate. He was saying goodbye to an old friend.

This morning it occurred to me that he’s never seen me masturbate. Not that he needs any help doing it for me, but wouldn’t he benefit from it? Rather than directing him – more to the right, no up a little – I could show him. I know you’re thinking this is all very interesting, Mrs. Lion, but you’re never in the mood for sex. That is true, but it’s also true that Lion can usually awake the sleeping giant if he chooses to. If he can do it why can’t I? I say it’s worth a shot.

I can’t promise when this will happen. We’ve got a lot of chores this weekend. But I know we’ve been talking about getting me back in the saddle, so to speak. We’ll try to make it happen tonight or tomorrow night. And then I’ll let him see if he’s learned anything a few days later. We both may need a few lessons. It’s been a long time since I cared much about sex for me. I don’t know that I’m up for the every-other-day action that Lion is guaranteed, but I think maybe it’s time we made it a priority like we’ve made punishment a priority for Lion.

Lion is a fast learner. He’s eager and attentive. I wonder if my masturbating will turn him on. Probably. He loves when I come. This just might work to “fix” me. Stay tuned.

This is our 2,000th post. It’s also only a few days until my third year locked in a chastity device ends. When I started this blog, I never considered that we would have enough to write about to fill 1,000,000 words and 2,000 posts. Truth is, I didn’t think I would be still doing enforced chastity this long. I’m proud of us for both accomplishments. I’m also very proud that our readership has steadily grown each year. It feels good knowing that we are able to provide useful and interesting content for you.

We were going to do a he said, she said today answering questions from our readers. We didn’t get much response when we asked for questions. If it weren’t for our web analytics I would think that no one reads us. But I get it; very few people who read blogs join the conversation; much the pity.

I’ve been reflecting on the last three years. One thing I said yesterday was that before enforced chastity, almost all my sex came from my left hand . Yes, that’s the one I use to masturbate. Mrs. Lion commented nothing has changed there except now it is her hand instead of mine. I got a chuckle out of that. Then, yesterday morning it stopped being funny.

What’s really changed for me sexually since enforced chastity began? The biggest change and the one I truly love is that Mrs. Lion is not only part of my sex life, she is my sex life. But my sex life is still almost entirely masturbation. Recently, my lioness has used her mouth to tease me a few times. That is certainly a nice change. I love that. Is my problem that I get hand jobs over 99% of the time? Am I bored with them? Maybe a little.

Mrs. Lion jerks me off better than I ever could. I have a good time being edged. There are only a limited number of ways to get me off. Notably absent is intercourse. Sex is only for me. Fucking is just another way for Mrs. Lion to get me off; a way that is much harder work than a hand job. Oral sex is less effort than fucking, but still much more difficult than a wank. Probably the easiest way to get me off is with the Magic Wand.

Don’t get me wrong. I love all those methods. I do! But there is something missing. A hand job compared with intercourse is like ham and eggs. The chicken is involved, but the pig is committed. A hand job isn’t as intimate. Obviously, it would be impossible for Mrs. Lion to provide intercourse or oral sex every time we are sexual. The good, ol’ hand job has to remain the workhorse of my edging and ejaculations.

When we first started posting, Mrs. Lion mentioned that her loss of interest in sex was due to the fact that I don’t initiate. She backed off that position and later claimed it was just some change in her. Then, about a month ago, I gave her an orgasm, then a week later, another. She liked them but cautioned me that she wasn’t sure how often she would like to repeat this. She did say she thought I should continue.

Then, a few weeks ago we were talking about her orgasms. She mentioned very casually that she liked that I initiated the most recent ones. At the time the light bulb didn’t go on. But when I was thinking about her hand job comment in my post, those other words came up in my mind. Put my thoughts about hand jobs together with her comment about me initiating sex and we have something we need to handle.

It may seem odd that a caged male is ruminating about what amounts to vanilla sex. But that’s me: odd. It seems that if I were to initiate giving Mrs. Lion orgasms, her interest in sex would begin to return. Conversely, if I stopped initiating, it would recede again. This seems to be the case now. Ok, you say, the answer is simple. Just regularly get Mrs. Lion off.

Brilliant idea! Oh, wait, my lack of initiation is what caused the problem in the first place. Are we back to where we were three years ago? The only difference now is that I get orgasms regularly? Could be. We’ve been really good about working out enforced chastity and domestic discipline. I wonder if the same techniques would apply here as well. They might.

There is one big difference: I figured out how to make things work that affected me. Mrs. Lion used my suggestions to get things going. If I do the same thing again, this time for Mrs.Lion as the target, will it work? I initiated my own demise, so to speak. I taught Mrs. Lion how to tame me. I think I have been waiting for Mrs. Lion to work out how to train me to initiate her pleasure.

I suggested basing my orgasms on her coming a certain number of times. That didn’t appeal at all. The reason, I think, is that she would be indirectly initiating her own orgasms. That’s something she seems incapable of doing. Another thought I had is similar. What if Saturday, for example, is my orgasm day. What if Mrs. Lion has to have an orgasm before I am eligible for one myself. It doesn’t mean that if she gets one, I will. But if she doesn’t have one by Saturday, I will have to wait another week. Sort of a lion incentive plan. That might be too much pressure for her. But what if I only had to initiate. She could decide she didn’t want one. That could count too.

There is one very big barrier to me initiating with Mrs. Lion: she’s always busy. We often relax together in bed. Invariably, she is deeply involved with her iPad, either reading or playing games. I always feel I am interrupting her. She says that she feels the same way when I am watching TV. I keep reminding her that nothing would make me happier than have her reach over to the remote and hit “Pause”. She never does that. She usually waits for me to signal I want to be teased.

We have a communication issue. It’s time for a signal that indicates interest. In my case, given my status as submissive to her, pausing my TV show is perfect. Maybe she can put down her iPad and signal me. It may be all she wants is a snuggle, but if I get a signal I can try to see if she wants more.

It’s very difficult for me to interrupt her to give her sex. I don’t know why, but it is. I think I have to learn initiating the same way she learned spanking. We need a somewhat artificial situation that serves to teach me and encourage me. If my gentle, sweet lioness learned to bruise my bottom. I can certainly learn to just go for the gold with her. I need help getting started.

Mrs. Lion has turned a corner. She correctly observes that she is prepared to give me what I asked for all along. She wonders how I will like it when I get it. I wonder as well. Of course, the world is waiting to learn exactly what this latest version of the lioness includes. A few features have been revealed. For one, she is much less interested in how I feel about wanting sex. Her post yesterday discussed that she wasn’t even tempted to get me off even I told her I was very horny. It should be noted that I didn’t ask to be unlocked, but she told me that she knew I wanted stimulation.

A second, more frightening feature was hinted at last weekend. She had me in the sling and put a long piece of peeled ginger root up my ass. It truly burned. I let her know. She was unmoved and left it in until I told her the effect had worn off. She then used some menthol rub (like Ben Gay) on a couple of spots on my balls. That burns a lot! Again she was unmoved and kept me restrained until after it peaked. It’s clear that when she administers painful stimulus, she means business. I know that both “treatments” were rather mild. The rub was old and not put on liberally at all. The ginger burns, but to date hasn’t been horrible. Lioness 2.0 let me know she was only previewing the true depth of that feature.

In her release announcement, she told us that she was no longer taking direction or requests from me. She said the new lioness would listen, but was not inclined to follow up on what I want until she had time to consider it and then give it her own twist. I had often said that forcing someone to do what they want done isn’t control; it’s service. Lioness 1.0 was very service oriented. Lioness 2.0 isn’t.

Apparently, lioness 2.0 is more interested in her own orgasms. I’m happy with that new feature. I wonder if a reduction in my number of orgasms is part of this new sexual look and feel. She kept me in my cage when I gave her an orgasm the other day. She later mentioned that she hadn’t planned on unlocking me at all that day. She did, however, and edged me more than a few times. It’s clear that lioness 2.0 doesn’t feel that I need to be out of my cage just because I provide her with orgasms.

She revealed one last feature so far: She has added the shock collar back into our lives. I wore it all day on Sunday. Yesterday, we made a trip to Ikea. Before she left for work in the morning, she told me to have the shock collar on (around my balls) and to be sure to remind her to take the remote control. Seems like this device will get a lot more use. It does make it much easier for Mrs. Lion to correct me on the spot and saves the trouble of remembering and offense for the next punishment day. It’s too soon to tell, but I think it will keep me much more attentive.

We can expect more information about the latest lioness release in the next days and weeks. Lioness 2.0 prefers demonstrating new features rather than announcing them. Poor lion.