We Were Asked To No Longer Link To A Blog

Yesterday, I got the sort of Contact Us message I never thought I would see. Someone named Ronald from a gmail address sent the following:

“I am asking all bloggers to unlink “Strict Julie” due to her using her blog to promote Trumpian conspiracy theories. Thank you for your consideration of this.”

The blog he is referring to is strictjuliespanks.blogspot.com. It’s true that Julie has written a few posts supporting Donald Trump’s insane view of the United States and the world. So what? A little under half of the American voters apparently do too.

The point is that I’m deeply insulted by being asked to no longer link to her most excellent spanking site because I don’t agree with her politics. I consider her a friend. We have continued to correspond even though we are on opposite sides of the aisle. More importantly, Ronald is doing what Trump tries to do: suppress opinions that oppose his. Ronald, the United States Constitution (First Amendment) guarantees that everyone has the right to free speech. Since you obviously oppose the orange menace, why would you adopt his tactics?

I love reading Julie’s blog. She and I promote adult spanking. I would imagine a lot of Democrats and Republicans would love to silence us. Tough shit.

For the record, the main reason I despise Trump isn’t his right-wing politics. It’s his consistent efforts since his election four years ago, to devote all of his efforts at maintaining his base so he could be reelected. He labels Democrats as the enemy. No other president in American history tried to vilify the opposition party. Trump still doesn’t understand he was (thank God) the president of the entire country, not just the people who voted for him.

I don’t agree with much of what he did or tried to do in the last four years. His incompetence as a leader and venal disregard of the basic tenets of democracy and decency made me happy to vote for a candidate who, at best, is mediocre. I am a lifelong liberal. I support freedom for all. Most of all, I will defend anyone’s right to free speech, even Donald Trump.

Listen to this post.


  1. Right on 100 % on target
    i usually don’t read political posts or express my opinion because some do not understand that we all have a right to what we think and feel. i don’t believe we should impose our thoughts or morale’s on others. i shall and will always treat others as i wish to be treated or better.
    Thank you for your blog and who you link to.

    1. Author

      Thanks for your support. We need to support each other regardless of political viewpoints.

    1. Author


  2. Absolutely correct. Julie’s arguments were terrible on this front and it’s unlikely that I will pay much attention to additional posts by her on the subject. That’s my individual choice. I don’t have any problem with her using her blog to express her political views.

    I certainly intend to read her other posts though!

    1. Author

      Exactly. She absolutely has the right to express her views.

  3. Julie has the right to express her views. I exercise my right to NOT read them. I have removed her blog from my reading list.

  4. I can’t stand Trump and I would hope that after the fiasco of last week, most supporters would finally be realizing what type of human he is… that being said, demanding someone stop linking to another’s blog because they support Trump is almost the same type of behaviour!

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