On Friday, I set up some appointments to tour a few houses. Well, I tried to set them up. Lion didn’t like one of them. No one responded to one request. So we had two houses to look at. I wish people would take pictures of what the house looks like now. I don’t want the bright sunny day right after they’ve done a ton of landscaping. I want to know what I’m walking into today. There are a few listings that mention the replacement of the purple carpet and repainting the walls to more neutral colors. Until I read those notes, I definitely didn’t want to tour that house. Who has purple carpets? I like purple, but man, do a wall or something else easily changeable.

Anyway, the first house had a very overgrown backyard. We would have lost the dog the first time she went out there. The house was sort of weird, too. It was a pass from us, but there were other people looking at it. I got a message about an hour after we left that the house had been rented. The second house was in a development. We don’t normally like developments. The houses are squished together. It can get noisy when all the kids are playing. To my surprise, Lion liked it. I did, too. We drove off to explore the area a little.

When we stopped to see what other houses might be available in the area, Lion started the application process. It’s worth mentioning that this house has been on the market for a long time. Lion theorized it was because the backyard is so small. There’s no room for kids to play or to have a barbecue with friends. We just need a patch of grass for the dog to use, and I was happy I wouldn’t have to mow a lot. When he started the application, it said the house was no longer available. Then it was. I couldn’t find it on any listing site anymore. He did his part of the application and sent me a link to do my part. When we got home, he called, and they said it was rented. However, I was still able to do my part of the application. At this point, we don’t know what’s going on. It’s torture to wait until Monday to find out.

No, I still haven’t spanked Lion. One of those days, his shoulder was hurting. Yesterday was taken up by house hunting and application completing. Today, we’re supposed to go out to see if there’s a house nearby worth looking at. We can’t find a listing, but an acquaintance said there’s a For Rent sign in front of it. It’s worth checking out, but it will probably be out of our price range.

Maybe, and I’m not promising anything, I’ll spank him today. I know tomorrow is punishment day, but I don’t dare purposely push it off again. If I concentrate really hard, I may remember and feel up to doing it. Of course, his shoulder has to cooperate, too.

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