Mrs. Lion has four days off for Christmas. There’s no point in house hunting until after New Year’s Day. In other words, we have a long weekend free. I dropped a very unsubtle hint that we haven’t played in a long time. According to the counter on this site, it’s been 49 days since my last spanking. Looking into the record book, the prior record was 38 days back in June.

She said we could take a trip to the oriental market. I suggested that she could get some ginger for figging. No response to that idea. Several weeks ago, we got a new, nasty paddle that hasn’t been tried. We also got some new restraints–Mrs. Lion keeps misplacing the ones we already have–they’ve never been tried either.

Are you sensing a theme here?

It’s likely that she’s lost interest in BDSM, at least for the last couple of months. It’s true that she’s never really liked doing more than CBT. If I asked, she sometimes did some anal play as well. But that’s pretty much all.

Maybe we’re done with BDSM as well as fucking. I truly miss both.

Of course, there is a lot more to life than sex and sex play. We have the other stuff in spades. When it comes to sex, you know what they say…

You can lead a lioness to…

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