I was just thinking of that poem and it triggered a memory of being in 4H. When we had our Christmas party we’d do a grab bag. We’d all sit in a circle and someone would read the poem and every time we heard “the” we traded gifts to our right. To this day I still hear it as “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house….” Here in the Lion’s den, the night before Christmas means an orgasm for my pet. I guess I started that because, as a kid, I always wanted to open one present on Christmas eve. So why shouldn’t Lion get a present early? And what better present than an orgasm? And, of course, following that up with another on Christmas day is certainly more festive. His orgasms New Year’s eve and New Year’s day are just out with the old and in with the new. A perfect way to end one year and begin a new. Lion isn’t arguing with this logic. I think maybe if we did the twelve days of Christmas with an orgasm each night, he’d send up a flare. Too much of a good thing.

This morning we ran a few errands. Lion was grumbling a little about traffic and lines. When he grumbled about the traffic I yelled at him. I told him he was free to drive any time he felt like it. At that moment I was driving and he should stop grumbling. I almost never yell at him. This time it was his idea to go out and I was driving, yet again, and he was grumbling. I don’t think so. I’d like to think I’m finally taking charge and willing to let Lion know exactly what I think. It was more likely that I had hit my fed-up-with-this-crap limit. However, who knows, I may lower that limit so it happens more often. That could actually be part of my Christmas present to him.

“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.”

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    Merry Christmas
    Mrs. Lion

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