I have been meaning to vacuum the bedroom for a while. It involves cleaning up all the dog toys and other debris she’s scattered. Lion advocates for using the robot vacuum, but I’d still have to clean up before it can clean up. Last night, Lion mentioned that it’s been a while since I vacuumed. Yes, dear. I’ll pencil that in with all the other things that need to be done.

I do a lot of things on my break and lunch. This afternoon, I was going to clean up and vacuum the bedroom. Lion asked if I was going to put the new license plates on the car. Not that it takes a long time, but it would take valuable time away from vacuuming. He also wanted me to get the mail. Again, it doesn’t take long but every minute counts.

Sometimes I clean up while he’s in the shower. The combination of his not taking a shower yesterday and my working late so I can take him to the doctor tomorrow meant I couldn’t do it then. Maybe today. I know he needs the bed changed too. It’s all part of his allergies. It’s amazing how much dust and dirt I (the slob) can live with and how little it takes to bother him. We’re not quite as extreme as The Odd Couple, but we are opposites.

He’s vacuum-sealing the coffee that came today. I’ll still need to find room in the freezer, but at least the staleness clock has slowed down. I appreciate the help. I know how hard it is for him to do things.

Theoretically, I should punish him for annoying me by having me do the license plates rather than vacuuming. However, I still have to make up a bit of time, and I have to vacuum. That doesn’t bode well for a blistered Lion butt. Maybe tomorrow.

Listen to this post.


  1. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but certainly you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

    1. Thank you! Your comment ended up in our spam folder. Sorry for the delay getting it published. I doubt we will become famous. It’s great knowing that you enjoyed what we wrote.

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