Mrs. Lion didn’t feel like spanking me on Tuesday night. I had no problem with the reprieve. I was annoyed at myself for not getting her morning email out by noon. Stupid Lion! I know that she isn’t going to forget, and I will be riding the spanking bench tonight (Wednesday). I am not looking forward to that. I am glad that Mrs. Lion was paying attention and caught me. It’s a good sign that we are on the way back.

Looking at our archives and reading what we wrote a decade ago, you’ll see that our insights into male chastity and domestic discipline were very different. The actual practice hasn’t changed, but our views have. In the beginning, I was very excited by the loss of control and the wide range of options that Mrs. Lion had to take advantage of my surrender. I considered how she could use extending my wait for an orgasm as a disciplinary tool. It was very arousing to think about. The same was true about spanking. I was turned on by the idea that she could punish me.

If you read some of the other male domestic discipline blogs, you will see this same immature arousal under the guise of discussions of how the disciplinary wife will let her husband know he is in trouble. Or talking about including relatives and friends in knowing about the domestic spanking. It’s exactly how I used to think about what we do. The bottom line is that it is sexually exciting for me to surrender power to my wife. She demonstrates this power by punishing me for breaking the rules.

It’s very telling that very few disciplinary wives are comfortable punishing their husbands for things that represent serious issues. Mrs. Lion finds it nearly impossible to spank me for annoying her or making her feel bad. Things like this seem to me to be the most obvious useful reason to punish me. I think she finds it so difficult to spank me for these offenses because she doesn’t seriously believe that she has disciplinary control over me. I doubt that she wants it.

She is willing to make and enforce rules because she knows I want her to. She’s learned to efficiently punish me when I break a rule. It’s a sort of game. I don’t want to consider domestic discipline a game. I want to believe that Mrs. Lion has real authority over me. The punishments are real. I can’t escape them. Our agreement gives Mrs. Lion the right to punish me for any reason she chooses. Still, I can revoke consent. It’s something I asked for.

I think we make it much more difficult for our wives to accept domestic discipline because we insist on treating it as a lifestyle. We want to believe that we are under our wives’ control and that their authority is absolute. We know damn well that we can stop the game any time we want. WE just don’t want to admit it.

The point is that Mrs. Lion spanks me because she knows I want her to. Domestic discipline, as we practice it, is a service she provides me because I need it. It’s consensual. I can withdraw consent at any time. She is well aware of this. I don’t know of any  DD situation that is different. Don’t get me wrong, the spankings are painful and real. The rules are strictly enforced. Mrs. Lion is in charge…because it’s how I want it.

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