I did it again. I forgot to send Mrs. Lion a morning email. Yes, I had an excuse. The website was having a problem. I fixed it, but in the process forgot to send Mrs. Lion her morning message. That means I’ll get a spanking tonight or tomorrow. Ugh. As of today (Wednesday), it’s been six days since my last paddling. I can’t believe that I forgot again.

Mrs. Lion has been helping me aim the syringe for Edex injections. On Tuesday night, she picked a location a little too close to the head of my penis. The result wasn’t a full erection. We were supposed to try again tonight, but Mrs. Lion has a policy of no sex on nights when I get punished. There’s a chance that she’s changed her mind about that. We did Edex and oral sex after my last spanking, and the result was a nice orgasm. Since I’ve had to use Trimix and now Edex, we’ve had to rethink the way we have sex.

While how we handle sex may change, domestic discipline is a constant in our marriage. We both agree that it continues to serve us well. Mrs. Lion is still not fully back in terms of her spankings. The last one was just five minutes, but her intensity and choice of tools were approaching the level she was operating at before we hit our disciplinary slump. I’m now required to make sure that she sets the timer to at least ten minutes.

I’m not looking forward to my punishment. Mrs. Lion is back to her old self in terms of spanking. I expect her to be particularly strict since I’ve repeated an offense less than a week since the last time she punished me for forgetting. As a rule, that usually means more time riding the spanking bench (fifteen instead of ten minutes), or more heavy wood paddles applied to my bottom or both.

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