I was almost positive that I had my last orgasm forever in May. You may have read the posts. After a 96-day drought, Mrs. Lion gave me a wonderful oral orgasm. I gave myself an increased dose of Edex1. It produced a very nice erection. It was a little uncomfortable, but not painful or distracting.

One feature of these drug-induced erections seems to be a sort of discomfort that comes when my penis is moved in certain directions. I suspect that is caused by the drug making tissue at the base fuller than it would normally be. Anyway, Mrs. Lion gave me a great blow job, and I rewarded her with a nice amount of semen. We were both happy with the result.

96 days? Is this my new norm? Is the consequence of alprostadil-induced erections? I now know that the Trimix and Quadmix compounded erection drugs are probably too strong for me right now. Both contain alprostadil as an ingredient. My urologist believes the compound drugs perform better. I suppose they do. They are also less expensive than Edex; that’s what I figured initially. It turns out that my insurance covers Edex and a 90-day supply (18 boners) costs less than eighteen shots of Trimix or Quadmix. Edex doesn’t require refrigeration and has a long shelf life. Tri- and Quadmix both must be refrigerated and are no good after about ninety days.

For the record, I discontinued taking the hormone blocker that was supposed to increase my libido. After two weeks, there was no improvement, and I had strong side effects (sleepy for almost two days each time I took a pill). I was willing to put up with the side effects if my libido improved. It didn’t.

I’m very happy that I was finally able to ejaculate. It was a terrific surprise. Mrs. Lion had to work hard to get me to the finish line. Unlike previous attempts, I felt myself getting more and more aroused. There was no fade or plateau. It was wonderful!

After I came, the erection persisted since it was induced and had no real relationship with my arousal. That’s when I was bothered by the discomfort when my penis bent back toward my body. It felt odd. It was also strange to be hard for almost two hours after my erection. Too bad that Mrs. Lion didn’t need its services. I can see the benefits of a two-hour erection. Once Mrs. Lion is more confident of my ability to keep it up, maybe she can find some other things to do with it before going for the gold.


1 Edex is a brand-name injectable of alprostadil. It is injected into the penis and produces an erection. This drug is expensive. The full retail price for a 6-erection kit is $941. Trimix, a blend of alprostadil and two other helper drugs, costs $145 at a local compounding pharmacy. This 5 ml vial is good for about 11 erections. If my health insurance didn’t cover Edex, I would have had to stay with Trimix. Based on what I’ve learned, one can expect to pay between $10 and $15 per erection when using these drugs. Generic Viagra and Cialis are much cheaper. Unfortunately, they don’t work for me.

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    1. Author

      Thanks! I was truly worried my ejaculating days were done. What a relief!

  1. Yess!!! Glad to hear that the plumbing still works. I also worry sometimes that ejaculating or erection days are over. Then my honey makes things happen! We both agree that I should not ejaculate too often, I go anywhere from a week to a month or two between. We have fantasized out loud about making me go a year without, but at my age that is a little too close to reality of never again!

    1. Author

      As long as it feels like a game, the worry disappears. It stopped feeling that way for us after about 30 days. I’m hoping that I won’t have another 90+ day wait this time.

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