We tried again with no luck. The injection produced a very good erection. I like how it feels when I get hard. Mrs. Lion did her level best to get me off, but alas, no luck. I get aroused then the feeling disappears. The “spot” is sort of numb; no sexual feeling at all when stimulated. I don’t get it. It may be related to the Trimix. I’ve contacted my urologist to see if she can help sort it out.

I didn’t expect this new issue. There was no warning that this was possible. I guess we can keep trying. If it is the Trimix, maybe a smaller dose will help. For this last try, I reduced the dose to .35 ml. It produced a good boner. Next time, I’ll back off to .30. That didn’t produce a full erection the last time I tried it  I’m thinking that Mrs. Lion’s nice, soft mouth can bring in the rest of the needed blood flow. It’s worth a shot.

Maybe I should give up.  Maybe my time is up, and sex is no longer something I can enjoy. Lots of couples give up on sex. Mrs. Lion is done with it. I’m sure she’d be happy if she didn’t have to get me off. I don’t feel very good about it. I can adapt, right?

Maybe I need to find something else to write about. You have to be getting tired of reading about my sexual failures. If Mrs. Lion locks me up in my Jail Bird, we can pretend she controls my orgasms. That way, as the days turn to weeks and the weeks to months, I can rationalize my lack of orgasms as part of our male chastity play. That won’t work. We both know the truth.

I guess the thing to do is continue experimenting and see what the doctor says. Maybe I’m not done yet.

Listen to this post.


  1. I am not there yet, but certainly think about it.
    My wife says she has no libido anymore, but she does enjoy using her magic wand vibrator to climax occasionally. She “plays” with me but it’s getting to the point that she will hand me the wand to use on myself.
    She has said that is natural for the drive to procreate, and therefore have sex, will decline as we age. Certainly it has to a degree for me, but sex has always been of huge interest to me and I, as you appear to also, have trouble seeing it go.
    Maybe your future writing will be about learning to make the transition to a non-sexual relationship.
    I agree with your thoughts on using the chastity device to rationalize it, but when it comes down to it the truth is that this is life.
    I’m not done either!!

    1. Author

      I think that a lot of men just give up as they age. This is especially true when our wives have lost their interest in sex. I’m not about to quit yet. I can see myself giving up at some point. This isn’t that point.

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