Lion's Trimix-created erection

Leave it to a pervert like me to think of a way to turn Trimix into a pervertable. To catch you up, a few months ago, I lost the ability to get hard. There’s no obvious organic reason; it just happened. I wasn’t ready to give up. I visited a urologist who specializes in sexual dysfunction. She prescribed Trimix injections. This hormone/stimulant brew creates erections when injected into the penis. Over the last couple of months, I’ve been experimenting with different doses. I just got a new, stronger mix that is doing the trick. An injection produces a reasonable erection that lasts about two hours.

That got me thinking. A two-hour erection that I can’t control. The drug makes me hard. It doesn’t get me aroused. Are you starting to see where my thinking was going? An involuntary erection. No arousal. Sounds like an interesting start to some very cool activities. This is especially true with someone like me who has been kept from having an erection except when wanted by my wife. Now, I can be made to get hard whenever she wants, whether or not I want sex.

I’m not the first person to think of this. About ten years ago, I talked with two women who specialized in CBT. They purchased an erection-producing drug on the Internet and injected it into the guys they played with. At least that’s what they told me. At the time, I didn’t know about the complexities of dosing these drugs. If, in fact, they actually did what they said, I have no idea how they managed to safely inject enough of the stuff to get the erections they wanted. They did know a lot about how the drugs work, so maybe they went ahead and took a chance with the drug.

Anyway, they said that it was more fun with their victim, nice and hard. They accurately reported that when the man wasn’t aroused, his involuntary erection was about eighty percent. That tallies with my experience. If they knew the man well, among other things, they would use him as a dildo to get themselves off. Whether or not he was aroused had nothing to do with the activities.

In a non-consensual context, this would be rape. Obviously, in this case, it was completely consensual. But it does give pause. Based on my very limited experience, sexual activity without arousal can be uncomfortable, and play serious head games with the man. Our ability to have sex depends on an erection. Erections are created when we are turned on. Now, thanks to a little injection in the penis, an eerection appears without the need for any cooperation on our part.

So far, Mrs. Lion has avoided any CBT with my chemically-induced erections. We’re still in the early stages of finalizing the proper dose. Once we have, and she knows how long my boner will last, she can make use of it any way she wants. If she gets me off early in the process, she will still have an erection to play with sans my interest in orgasm. The possibilities are very interesting.

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  1. This sounds really interesting! We started orgasm control and denial because once I come I am done.
    Now my orgasms are rare (at my request) and she has them when she wants. She gets of using a vibrator and really does not like intercourse for much longer than I could last anyway.
    My wife probably does not have much interest in “playing” with my erection for an hour or more, but I love the concept. She does like to tease me and do things to provoke a reaction. I imagine cock and ball torture and being told that I must be enjoying it since I am hard. Also would be fun to be made to walk around the house doing chores with this erection waving around.

    1. Author

      The possibilities are endless! So far, Mrs. Lion has refrained from any of that stuff.

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