There hasn’t been any action around here in a few days. Monday was the day after orgasm, so it’s usually slow then. Last night, I was catching up on laundry. I haven’t been sleeping well again. Some nights I wake up a lot and I haven’t figured out why. I just know I’m struggling to stay awake at my desk.
I was trained on another task yesterday. I’d already decided I wasn’t going to panic if I was hit by weirdness. Things usually don’t go smoothly for the first week or so of a new concept. Then, suddenly, it seems clear. That’s not to say there aren’t still weird situations. By then, I guess, I’m a little more confident about where to look for answers. It also helps that the trainers remember how they felt when they were new. And they still come across weird ones too.
It’s been a while since Lion has broken a rule. This morning, I was thinking maybe it’s time for a refresher course for his buns. I’m sure he can benefit from a five minute meeting of paddle and tush. Notice I didn’t say he’d like it. That’s irrelevant. I believe most things that are good for you are not enjoyable. Eating my veggies? Not a fan. Exercise? No, thank you. Still, I know I should. Lion won’t like those swats while he’s getting them. However, he knows they are good for him.