We have a winter storm advisory in effect. As far as I can tell, it might amount to a dusting of snow. It’s not the go-buy-all-the-bread-and-milk-from-the-store kind of storm, although I bet some people are panicking. We’re waiting for our next Nutrisystem delivery, but we certainly won’t starve if it doesn’t get here on time. I wouldn’t mind being snowed in.

Since Lion’s “incident”, I’ve been playing catch up with a lot of things. Our landlord had to come back to fix the power that he didn’t fix correctly last weekend. I’ve been making time up at work so I could take Lion for an appointment yesterday. There are cardboard boxes all over the place from recent shipments. I need to get rid of them. I’m doing laundry. Thankfully, my sinuses have given me the day off so far. I need to make up time this week so I can take Lion to his MRI and neuro appointment on Tuesday. I feel like I’m chasing my tail.

Lion has been feeling better. I’m glad. I just wish I had enough energy to give him the attention he wants. I keep saying I’d like a day off. By that, I mean no cardboard boxes to get rid of, no laundry to do, no meals to fix, etc. Lion was waxing poetic about the camper yesterday. It was never as relaxing to me as it was to him I guess. As usual, we have different ideas about things.

I know I owe Lion some spankings. It’s been quite a few punishment days of no swats. [Lion — 30 spank-free days so far. I’ve been watching my behavior.] There have also been quite a few sex days without attention. He wasn’t feeling well, then I wasn’t feeling well. It was less my not feeling well and more being tired. Despite whatever chores I have to do this weekend, I will swat him today. I may even give him some sexual attention. At the very least, we can snuggle. My sinuses have not allowed that for a few days. He may not have a happy ending, but he will be happy.

[Lion — I am happy just being with my lioness. Sure, the sex is nice, but being able to touch her and talk with her is way nicer.]

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