Wow. We do not need any more days as we’ve had lately. Thursday, Lion fell. Friday, he was still wobbly. Saturday, he woke up to no sensation in his left hand. Also Saturday, there was no power to our coffee maker. The entire bank of outlets was gone. When I checked the breakers, they were fine. I spent about an hour going back and forth, trying to figure out what was wrong, without coffee. Finally, I pulled out an extension cord to make breakfast. The landlord “fixed” it this morning, but it was only a partial fix.

Lion did a telehealth doctor visit and got a steroid to help with any brain or spinal cord swelling that might have caused his loss of sensation. This morning, he could feel a little bit. It may be coming back slowly. We’ll have to wait to hear from his neurologist for further instructions. I see a few runs to Seattle in our immediate future.

On Thursday, I optimistically set up the massage table. With everything going on, I didn’t take it down until yesterday when Lion wanted to go into his office. This morning, he said he might be ready for some massage table action. This is a definite about-face from yesterday’s doom and gloom. I’m glad he’s more optimistic today. I’ll set the table up when I get done gardening. The tomatoes and strawberries need food today. It’s normally Lion’s job to mix the food, but I’m pinch-hitting for him today. He also doesn’t need to set the coffee pot up until he’s ready.

With any luck, and we could use some, the massage table will be fun, and Lion will get more feeling back in his left hand. I’m less worried about the half-functioning kitchen outlets. I’ve already run the extension cord, so we’re good for tomorrow’s coffee.

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1 Comment

  1. Good to hear things are getting better.

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