It looks like we’ll hit 6,000 posts by the end of the year. That is a milestone for our blog. It represents nine years of posts, a record of every orgasm and spanking I’ve received since 2014. That’s quite a sexual chronicle. As the year winds down, It’s a good time to reflect on how things have changed for us.

Male chastity is a permanent fixture in our marriage. I haven’t masturbated since 2013. In fact, the ninth anniversary of my last jerk-off is this week. I did it while Mrs. Lion watched. Since then, the only times I ejaculate are when Mrs. Lion stimulates me. It’s hard to remember the time I could get myself off.

Even though we have been practicing domestic discipline for a few years, it hasn’t quite taken root. Mrs. Lion has evolved into a vicious spanker who can easily make my bottom hurt for days. This year she has backed off. It could be that she’s changed to leather paddles. They make my bottom red but don’t leave a lasting impression.

More significantly, for me, she doesn’t seem as involved. I’m not sure what it is, but when she spanks me, whether, for punishment or maintenance, she just tells me to get on the spanking bench. Then she spanks me without another word. When she’s done, she announces that she is finished. That’s it.

In one way, I like that. Spanking has become a routine activity that doesn’t warrant any special attention. In another, it doesn’t assert her dominance other than the obvious fact that she is beating me. That may be a problem. We both accept that spanking me is a routine part of our marriage. I accept it as an educational tool that has proven very effective. I see it as a natural reaction to breaking a rule. My unconscious mind does the work of learning to avoid spankings by bending to Mrs. Lion’s will.

From a purely disciplinary perspective, this is great. Spanking works as a way to train me. There’s a second aspect that doesn’t get discussed openly very often, sex. One reason I am a willing subject for disciplinary spanking is that I get sexually aroused thinking about being spanked. Part of the arousal comes from the sensation of the spanking itself. A much greater part comes from the feeling of being controlled. Obviously, receiving a painful spanking demonstrates control. Mrs. Lion is fond of pointing that out. She’s right. Another significant demonstration is verbal. That’s an area we could improve.

It’s very good news that Mrs. Lion thinks nothing of spanking me.  That’s an amazing accomplishment. I’m very proud of her for that. I also love her more than anything!

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  1. An important milestone in your life. Next year will be a round anniversary. I never cease to admire your patience and perseverance.

    1. Author

      Thank you very much. We never imagined that we would still be doing all this for so many years!

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