Friday night, the stars aligned, and Mrs. Lion gave me an orgasm. It had been twelve days. Most of that time was due to one of us being under the weather. Now, on Saturday, I’m still not all better. It’s some sort of intestinal disorder. Aren’t you glad I’m sharing this with you? Anyway, Friday’s handjob was evidence that my penis pumping is working. Mrs. Lion reported that I was very hard. That has to be due to pumping. It is working just the way it’s supposed to.

Today (Saturday) is punishment day. Mrs. Lion promised me a spanking when she gets back from shopping. It may have to be delayed a bit due to my stomach issues. She planned to spank me, and then we were going out to run errands. I’m hoping I’ll be up to it. Bummer. Aside from interfering with playtime, I’m not getting any writing done.

We’ve been watching an old PBS documentary on prohibition. Aside from being very interesting, it is a dire warning for us now. A couple of special interest groups rallied people to ban saloons and alcohol. They managed to get the 18th amendment to the constitution passed. As we know now, prohibition was a disaster for the US. What struck me was how it easy it was to convince people to support the amendment. What if we had a president who believed that he should remain in office for life? He could rally various groups the same way people were convinced in 1924. A ruthless student of history could pull it off once he was elected.

Until I saw that documentary, I believed that it would be hard to kill American democracy. It almost died in 2020. The 18th amendment is frightening proof of how it can happen. No wonder I have an upset stomach.

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