Lion had a very rough night. He’s been in a lot of pain and that makes it difficult to sleep. Of course, he still snoozes while watching TV, but real sleep is difficult. He’s been afraid to eat or drink even though he knows he needs to. So far today, things are staying put.

I’ve been teasing him that he just wanted to get out of his punishment swats yesterday. Today, we won’t play the football spanking game. If he miraculously recovers tomorrow, it will look quite suspicious. Of course, I’m teasing him again. Digestive issues are horrible. I’m worried about his being sick so close to his last digestive problems. Is it coincidence or is there some underlying thing going on?

I start my new job tomorrow. Luckily, I’m still working from home, so I can take care of Lion to a certain extent. Apparently, the first three days are all onboarding meetings and training. I work for three days and then get Thursday and Friday off for Thanksgiving. The following week, training kicks into full gear. That’s when I’m likely to have my what-the-hell-have-I-gotten-myself-into panic. I think that’s normal when you start a new job. There’s a lot to learn even if you know what you’re doing. From what I’ve heard, I’ll be trained on one thing, practice that for a while, and then have another thing added in. I’m hoping it won’t be quite so overwhelming.

Tomorrow is also punishment day again. It’s possible Lion won’t feel well enough to be spanked. We’ll take it as it comes. We can’t do more than that. It’s more important that he feel better than be spanked. When I go to the store in a little while, I’ll try to get some calm foods to nurse him back to health.

Listen to this post.


  1. Life is a strange thing. The day of punishment and the day of thanksgiving go one after the other.

    1. Thanksgivig and punishment day always fall on the same day.

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