We aren’t up to much. Mrs. Lion is still under the weather. I’m not allowed do-it-yourself sex. That pretty much leaves us with TV and conversation. I’m not complaining. It’s wonderful that we can be together all of the time. I am getting pretty horny. I’m sure that Mrs. Lion will help either make the problem worse or get me off after she is feeling better. The important thing now is that she get rest and feel better.

I’ve received a toy to review. It’s a fancy male masturbator. It’s made by the same company that made the masturbator I reviewed a while ago. That device was a vibrating, vacuum masturbator. It was very interesting. You can find the review here. The new one is quite different. I look forward to taking it through its paces.

The other day, I wrote about an inexpensive training collar that could be easily adapted for wear around the cock and balls. The post drew some interest. I want to emphasize an important point. This is the first training collar I’ve found that can be adapted with just a pair of scissors and a match. I’ve tried quite a few others. Most couldn’t be adapted, and a few could be with some sewing–adding Velcro to a cut strap. The one in my post (“An Easy-To-Set-Up, Low-Cost Training Collar“), is the first one I’ve found that both works well and is easily fitted. I’ve been wearing it all day, every day, for a while now. It is effective, I promise.

I understand that making the leap into any of the stuff we talk about here is difficult. and can feel like a waste of time if the experiment fails. The post about the inexpensive (less than $40 USD) is my first effort to provide entry-level help. I’ll keep looking for ways to help in other areas too.

Listen to this post.