Mrs. Lion edged me on Tuesday night. Since it had been ten days since my last orgasm, I thought I might go all the way. Nope. She’s unpredictable. Well, there’s always tonight. Or not. I happened to look, we are about three months away from our 6,000th post. I would have never guessed we would end up writing this much or, for that matter, blogging for nine years. Yet, here we are. While I am on the subject of statistics, I have had 326 orgasms since January 1, 2016. That may sound like a lot, but I probably had that many in 2012. Male chastity changed that!

Speaking of which, I will be reviewing the Holy Trainer v5 Nub in the near future. While I had a great experience with the Nano, the tube was too long for me. The Nub is their shortest male chastity device and should be a great fit. I’m really happy that I will be able to wear this excellent male chastity device.

It’s difficult to collect statistics on how many people listen to our podcasts. As best as I can tell, the number is growing. We are available on every podcast provider. Unfortunately, there is no way for any of them to make our entire catalog available. The most any provider lists are 200 of the latest. Still, it’s nice to have another outlet.

Most recently, we’ve added our posts to Tumblr. We’d like to do the same on Instagram, but the only way to post there is manually. We don’t have the time to do that. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Over the years, we’ve managed to find our way into a lot of social media.

I’m writing about all this because it’s nice to share the way we’ve managed to grow over the years. Like our kinks, communication on the Internet is challenging. We both enjoy sharing with you.

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