Lion’s sore butt after his spanking last night.

I didn’t really feel like spanking Lion last night. I was thinking of pushing it off until this morning, figuring he’d be sitting in his office chair and it would be more uncomfortable than the bed. Then I figured the mornings are usually busier and I had a meeting around the time he gets himself moving. The bigger question was if I would remember to do it. Nope. It’s better to get it over with while I’m thinking about it.

I’ve been strapping him down. Every so often, I leave him free to test his ability to stay put. The straps make it easier for him to remember he’s not supposed to wander around. But do I always have to make it easier for him? I don’t think so. He should be able to hold himself still. Of course, I can add time to the spanking if he wiggles too much. He was a very good boy last night.

My new silicone paddle.

The other day, we got a new paddle. It looks like our rubber paddles, but it’s silicone. I’ll need more time to play with it to decide if it will be one of my go-to paddles. I’ve been using leather and rubber paddles for a while because Lion theorized they wouldn’t make him bleed. They don’t. However, using only leather and rubber doesn’t produce the same effect as wood. I think it was the last time I spanked him that I used a wood paddle for a very short time. It didn’t really do the trick.

I can’t tell you how many swats were delivered with each type of paddle. Lion said his buns were okay at bedtime, so I can’t really say how effective it was, but I used all different kinds of paddles on him. I started off with the new one just to see how it felt, for both him and me. He said it stung. I’m undecided. It’s not as heavy as rubber so it doesn’t deliver the same punch. For the rest of the time, I alternated between rubber, leather, and wood. When I swatted him with wood, I tried to go slower. They may have been more forceful hits, but not as rapid-fire as the leather and rubber. Sometimes when I do that, he bruises but I wasn’t really going for bruises. I was going for the effect of wood without the bleeding.

It worked pretty well. He had a few spots that bled a tiny bit, but overall the mixture was successful. I think as long as I make sure to use the wood more sparingly than the leather and rubber, we should be able to make it through with minimal bleeding. Obviously, if he’s a particularly bad boy, I can use the wood more to make my point. It’s still the meanest of the materials.

Poor Lion butt.

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1 Comment

  1. Alternating different materials gives the best possibilities.

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