Today is New Year’s Eve. It’s a day to reflect on the past year. In most ways, 2021 is a year most of us want to forget. COVID got in the way of nearly anything people wanted to do. Mrs. Lion and I hunkered down and avoided contact with others. My lioness was permitted to work from home. We love each other’s company. In that sense, things are better for us.

My vision has deteriorated a little more. It’s more difficult for me to do simple things like cook. With Mrs. Lion as my sous chef, I made most of our Christmas dinner. I had a great time cooking with her. I miss being able to cook. Maybe in 2022, we can plan to work together in the kitchen more often. Tonight’s dinner will be a pot roast we will prepare. Yum!

2021 is our eighth year practicing male chastity and our fifth of domestic discipline. Our blog is celebrating its eighth anniversary in February. As of today, we have written 5,386 posts. This makes our blog one of the largest, if not the largest male chastity blog in the world. We may hold a record in other categories as well.

The blog continues to provide us with opportunities to communicate with each other and with you. Our daily posts accurately chronicle our evolution. In one sense, it’s not a good thing. Newcomers may find what we write now less useful in helping them get into our kink. We have some static pages (menu is across the top of our pages) designed to help with subjects that many of our readers want to see. The ones on male chastity are among the most popular search engine referrals.

We lost our beloved golden retriever, Daisy, in 2021. It was incredibly painful for both of us. A month or so after she passed, we got a golden retriever puppy. She’s totally different from our previous goldens. At seven weeks, she housebroke herself and had relatively few accidents in the house. She’s a nut and gets frantic a few times a day. This has been difficult for us. We both hope she will settle down soon.

Things that used to be challenging for Mrs. Lion are now routine. She considers spanking me as an everyday task. She has no remorse for making my bottom sore for days after a spanking. She says that it isn’t fun for her but doesn’t bother her. Domestic discipline is completely assimilated into our marriage.

I’m happy that we started all this. Our blog has connected us with great people. Male chastity and domestic discipline add richness to our lives. If you had asked us in 2014 if we would be permanently doing all this. We both would have laughed. I guess the laugh is on us.

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