Things are quiet here. They usually are after I get an orgasm. Today is punishment day and is also when I get a “just because” spanking. Mrs. Lion is working to be consistent about her spanking schedule. I think she isn’t closely watching my behavior. Our three-month-old puppy requires her full attention. Or, maybe I’m not doing anything to annoy her. What do you think?

We are both sleep-deprived. Mrs. Lion has it worse. She gets up with the dog every morning at about 5 AM. We both keep hoping that she will sleep a little later. She should pretty soon. In the meantime, poor Mrs. Lion has early morning puppy playtimes. I wish I could be more helpful.

I realize that lion training can be exhausting, and I do my best to avoid putting pressure on my lioness. Ironically, she doesn’t punish me when I do. She feels guilty and promises to do better. I appreciate that, but I also think that it might be good for her to consider that she has the right to respond with her paddle instead of an apology.

I feel bad when I remind her to play or do other things we had discussed. I know she is tired and under pressure. I need to be more considerate. Perhaps it’s also topping from the bottom. Who me? Well, yeah. It’s a bad habit.

We both find it very easy to feel guilty. There is a lot to be done, and we could be doing much better. It’s also very easy for me to feel sorry for myself. I have a lot of time alone. Being alone so much isn’t very good for me. The puppy helps, but not that much. Writing is also an activity I like. Still, I miss Mrs. Lion. Maybe we can find a way to be together more this summer.

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1 Comment

  1. Of course, you should try to spend as much time together as possible. I’m glad the puppy is entertaining you.

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