Lion was not horny last night. When I suggested we wait without my trying to entice him, he said he’d appreciate it. It’s been a while since his orgasm, and he hasn’t been all that horny during that time. I think it’s grief over Daisy and apprehension over Willow. He’s not sure he can take care of a little puppy. We’ll need to get her on a routine in a few days. Otherwise, I’ll just have to take her to work with me. I can close my office door, and she can have free range. We had the boss’s tortoise here for a few weeks some years ago. What’s the difference?

Tonight is another “just because” spanking. He may be horny after that. I’m not sure. We’ve gone back and forth on the matter of sex after punishment. I’ve maintained that as long as there’s a decent amount of time between the two, it should be fine. But I’m not on the receiving end of the paddle. Perhaps it takes more time to transition than I think. It’s probably a situation for which there isn’t a simple answer. It could depend on the individual or even on a case-by-case basis. Either way, I’m happy to do whatever Lion wants. Naturally, that does not extend to canceling the spanking unless something drastic happens.

I never looked for anything uncomfortable for him to sit on in the car on the way to get the puppy tomorrow. I guess I’ll have to make sure I blister his butt enough so he’ll feel it without an outside reminder. Basically, it should hurt no matter where he sits. Of course, this is true of every spanking. The just because spankings are no different from punishment spankings. The only difference is the length.

I won’t say Lion has been an angel, but I haven’t caught him interrupting or annoying me in the past few days. He’s stopped himself a few times to avoid interrupting me. See, Lion? I notice. I assume there will be quite a few times that we’ll interrupt each other in the coming weeks. We’ll be trying to keep the puppy out of trouble, and either one or both of us will be frantically looking for paper towels or a way to stop her from doing something. I won’t count those times against him. However, every other time is fair game.

On the subject of the puppy, Lion should watch himself. Stating that he can’t do something regarding getting her leash on and out the door for housebreaking will only be tolerated so far. He has a habit of saying he can’t do something when he hasn’t even tried. I know we won’t get the puppy outside in time every time, but we need to try. And this is important because my pawternity leave only lasts a few days. I’ll need to go back to the office after a few days. Poppy, the puppy (I know her name is Willow, but that’s a cute idea someone came up with), will have to be on some kind of schedule by then.

I’m sure we’ll still have time to write posts, even with a puppy to chase. If she’s anything like Daisy, she’ll run around, run around, run around, snooze. We can write during the snooze phase.

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