Last night we went to pick up Lion’s glasses. Ordinarily, the trip would take about 20 minutes each way. Unfortunately, the main road closed on Monday so we had to take a detour, behind a slow driver. It took 45 minutes. The trip back was shorter. I guess we managed to hit rush hour.

By the time we got home and ate dinner, I was done. I think the medication change is bothering me. I’m achier and more tired. I’ve had a headache off and on for the past four or five days. I hope these issues will resolve once my body get used to the meds. I just don’t know how long it will take. I’m willing to tough it out for about a month before I send up a flare to the doctor. In the meantime, I’ll manage the best I can.

Lion was a little disappointed I wasn’t able to give him any attention. He understood, but that doesn’t take away from the disappointment. I mean, you can understand why you can’t have X but you can still be disappointed. As it turns out, Lion’s shoulder started hurting while we snuggled. He may need to go back in for a steroid shot. We’re both just falling apart at the seams.

Tonight, I have to pick up more of the dog’s medicine and change the bed. Once that’s done, Lion can probably have some fun. I don’t want to disappoint him two nights in a row. I know I might not get him to the edge so soon after an orgasm, but I need to try. He might surprise me. He’s been hornier than usual lately.

He did ask for some attention for his butt too. It may not happen tonight, but it will happen. As I was cleaning up over the weekend, I found a multi-color dildo we’ve never used. It might be a bit big for starters but I’m sure he can take it with a little practice. He might even be ready for it before the weekend is over.

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1 Comment

  1. I am saddened that you are not feeling well. Take care of yourself.

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