Last night I realized that I accidentally shipped things I ordered to our old address. Naturally, the order was split into three shipment, each of which went by a different carrier. UPS already delivered so there was nothing I could do about that one. FedEx was not helpful at all. And I’m not even going to contact the post office. They’ll be useless. This morning I contacted the place I ordered the items from and set them on the task of figuring out how I can either get the items delivered or get me a refund. I was so frustrated I didn’t really want to do anything with Lion.

We snuggled a bit and I rubbed his chest. I love just being close to him. I know he probably hoped we’d do more, but by the time I was un-frustrated I had a headache. We’ve also both been really tired. I don’t know if it’s the weather or the time change from a few weeks ago, but we’re both having trouble. This morning certainly came too early.

I think we might have an errand to run tonight. Between the errand and figuring out dinner, I don’t know how late it will be before we get settled in. I’m hoping we can have some Lion fun time. I bet Lion is too.

The other day, as Lion reported, he ordered Icy Hot spray. This morning he tried a tiny bit on his balls. He said he should hide it. Oh? I told him if he did I’d just have to buy another can and if he hid that one, I’d buy a case and hide it myself so I’d have it to use on him. He won’t hide it. We were just having fun. I know he doesn’t like Icy Hot. I don’t use it on him that often. Sometimes I only threaten to use it. Of course, he’s never sure if it’s a threat or if his balls will be on fire in the near future. And that’s exactly why I do it.

I really do like keeping Lion on his toes.

Listen to this post.


  1. You write that Lyon ordered a spray and at the same time that he doesn’t like it. Why did he order it?

  2. Author

    Why does he like to be spanked? Why does he like to be tied up? Why does he do anything?

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