Yesterday we went to get bagels at the only place that makes decent bagels in the Northwest. Of course, that’s our opinion. And we picked up Lion’s birthday cake at an Italian bakery with a “small” sub that would feed a neighborhood. We shared said sub for lunch and, through the miracle of the internet and Alexa app, Lion turned on the wax warmers as I drove home.

We still had to wait a little while for the wax to be at the correct temperature, but they had a head start. It turns out that Lion didn’t have much hair on his flip side. I took care of some patches on his legs. His crack had very little fur. Maybe there’s something to this waxing thing. I think we may have figured out that the trick to getting any remaining wax off of him when I’m done is to douse him in mineral oil, rub it in, wait a minute or two and then towel off the oil. He was less sticky when he went to take a shower. Now we have to figure out how to get the wax off the waxing table sheets and we’ll be good to go.

After dinner Lion was looking for a snack. He’d forgotten about his cake but once he saw it he needed it. Happy birthday to him. He loves this cake. It may not be as good as the cake he could get back home, but it’s wonderful when he can find anything that comes close. When I put the plates in the dishwasher I teased him that we could have birthday cake when the dog had her ice cream. He would have if I didn’t decide I was going to have the rest of my piece of chocolate cake I’d brought home Friday night.

I did get around to giving Lion his punishment for spilling on his shirt Friday night. I thought I gave him a good spanking. He managed to hold still until I told him how good he was being at holding still and then he rolled away. Isn’t that just like a toddler? I made him stand in the corner for five minutes – no punishment stool, no mouth soaping. A little while later I asked how his buns were and he said they were fine. So much for an effective spanking.

Lion was surprised that he got an orgasm last night. I wasn’t sure if I’d just edge him until he broke or what I’d do, but I decided to let him go all the way. Why? I like to keep him guessing. Afterwards, he said he didn’t think he’d get an orgasm. Good. That’s the plan. He shouldn’t ever think he’s going to get an orgasm. He shouldn’t ever think he’s not going to get an orgasm. He should have no idea one way or the other.