key pendant
This is the key pendant Lion gave me for my birthday.

Today is my birthday. To me it’s just another day. It makes me uncomfortable when something draws attention to me. So, to me, it’s a day of having to be in the spotlight as coworkers wish me a happy birthday. Lion, on the other hand, loves my birthday. He says it is a day to celebrate the love of his life being born.

This morning he had a present waiting for me on the bed when I brought in breakfast. It was a necklace with a pretty silver key on it. He said I not only have the key to his cage, but I also have the key to his heart. Now I can keep it with me. My Lion is the sweetest man in the world! Not just because he got me a present, of course. I have the same thought every day. I’m lucky to have him.

Yesterday he seemed more down than usual so I suggested bringing home dinner. Chinese food always cheers him up. When I got home his back was hurting a lot. He’d gone to the store for supplies to make my birthday dinner and birthday cake and aggravated it again. I told him he should rest his back and not worry about dinner or the cake. He swears he can do it, but I’m worried about him. I know he will push himself. Then he’ll be too sore for us to enjoy his orgasm tonight.

Yes, I scheduled his orgasm on my birthday. And I’ll tell you why. The best present I can have is making him happy. Obviously he enjoys his orgasms. And I enjoy giving them to him. Win win. So I’m hoping he doesn’t hurt his back today. I’d hate to miss out on giving him my birthday present.