I was looking at my Twitter feed and there were a few pictures of naked women. That’s always nice. It started me wondering how women think about being photographed partially or totally unclothed. For a guy, there is only one area that might feel a bit awkward if shown in a tweeted photo: the penis and balls. I don’t think I would feel particularly exposed if my bare butt was in a photo. But it always gives me a bit of pause to expose the boys.

Women have two spots that are generally covered in photos: the pussy and breasts. For the sake of this discussion, let’s assume exposing the rear end is equivalent to how a man might feel. After all, we all have rear ends. Is it more embarrassing to bare the breasts? Or, is revealing the vaginal area the ultimate exposure? Generally, in pictures, I’ve seen, if the vagina is bare, so are the breasts. If the breasts are showing, the vagina may or may not be exposed. I suppose that reveals how people, in general, feel about this issue. I wonder about how the women in the pictures feel.

You can tell I have too much time on my hands. For the record, I prefer seeing below the waist rather than above it. I’ve never been much of a boob man. I guess I prefer the area that invites my interaction. I never gave it a lot of thought but I’ve always been partial to a nice rear end or clean-shaven pussy. This is probably TMI.

ball slapping and a blow job

Things have been getting more exciting here. Mrs. Lion forgot to spank me on Sunday night but promised to make up for it on Monday. She also spent considerable time with my cock in her mouth. She brought me so close to the edge several times that I thought I was going to have a ruined orgasm. I didn’t. Each time she left me panting and thrusting into the air. She told me that I was producing precum. She likes that. To each her own.

When she finally finished teasing me, my erection persisted and I laid on my back with it sticking up into the air like a flagpole. Generally, I quickly lose it. Before she started sucking me, I picked a card from the Box O’ Fun. It called for ball slapping. I sighed loudly. Like most men, I don’t like to be hit in the balls. Mrs. Lion likes to grab my scrotum behind my balls and stretch it so that the boys are fully exposed with just tight skin covering them. Then, she bangs them around. Each slap is felt all the way through my body. It’s an ache, not a sting.

She gleefully commented that I must like what she was doing because my penis was getting hard. Stupid penis! I wasn’t having any fun but apparently it was. She interrupted hitting my balls to flick the tip of my cock. That really hurts. She takes her thumb and forefinger and puts them together and then snaps the nail of her forefinger against the head of my penis. Ouch! My stupid cock got even harder.

It’s been a long time since she’s flicked the head of my penis. For that matter, hitting my balls as well. I can’t claim to be bored with those activities. I also thoroughly dislike them. As she likes to say, “That’s the idea.”

Back to the office

Mrs. Lion returned to her office yesterday. I’m concerned. She shares an office with two other women. According to her, the two women do not wear masks while in their office. They sit way closer than 6 feet apart. Apropos of this particular concern, it was announced on the news this morning that our state has mandated that people wear masks in the office unless they have a private one; an office that is. I let Mrs. Lion know. I hope her office mates followed this law. I suppose I’ll turn them in if they don’t. Both of us have complicating conditions that could make COVID-19 fatal for us.

We went out on Saturday afternoon. We had to pick up some prescriptions and we needed food. Several people in the supermarket did not wear masks. I commented loudly that I thought it was rude. After we shopped we picked up a pizza and took it home. Americans seem unable to stick with something very long. It’s amazing they stayed home as long as they did. Now, it’s as though they’ve completely forgotten that a deadly disease is still loose in our community. It doesn’t help that our elected leader is oblivious to COVID-19 and most other things going on.

Please take care of yourself and remember to stay home as much as you can and wear a mask when you go out. We can’t afford to lose friends.


  1. I am still wearing my mask when I have to go out. My wife has a compromised immune system and I know she wouldn’t survive being exposed. I am fortunate that my employer has determined that we will not be going back to the office until after September 7th and that we can all work effectively from home.

    I, too, have noticed a lot of people out without masks, which just seems foolish to me. The second wave is coming, folks.

    As for your recent experiences, I personally love it when my wife slaps my balls.

  2. We live in the San Francisco Bay area – probably the most progressive area in the country. Masks are required here in all stores, not just markets, and occupancy is strictly limited. Stores won’t even allow admittance if a person isn’t wearing a mask, and the social pressure is high enough that someone who takes his mask off after entering is strongly admonished by anyone near by.

    I’m very glad about this. Personally, my immune system is demonstrably very healthy, so the virus probably wouldn’t affect me much, but I absolutely don’t want to bring it home to my wife. I think we’re pretty safe, though – we’ve barely gone out for the last three months, and have been very careful when we have.

    I think making some stink about Mrs. Lion’s office is a very good idea – if it were me, I’d complain first to the office manager (or equivalent, considering that it’s such a small office – perhaps the owner?), then to some authority. It may seem like being a squeaky wheel, but it’s your health, and possibly your lives, that is at stake.

  3. agreed we all should be following the mask rule. As much as i hate the mask i wear mine
    Stay gealthy

    1. Author

      I’m not fond of wearing a mask either. Mrs. Lion and I both where one whenever we are out. Stay healthy.

  4. Reading this so long after the fact, it is obvious how poorly Americans are at wearing masks and social distancing. Now, States are shutting down again as the numbers of new cases rise dramatically. Stay safe.

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