For the record, I completely forgot to put the coffee pot together on Thursday. I definitely earned a spanking. Mrs. Lion wrote about this in her post yesterday. I couldn’t get a reading about how she feels when I break a rule. I suppose it isn’t important just so long as she diligently enforces transgressions. Part of me wishes she would feel more. Maybe that’s silly of me. After all, this is a simple transaction. I forget a chore and I pay the price.

The price is memorable enough so that I won’t forget again, at least for a while. That’s the part I always hope that I will hear about. One of the characteristics many women who punish their partners discuss is that invariably the male will forget and require punishment again. I hate to say it, but this is a characteristic I share. It also seems that it should be a source of amusement for Mrs. Lion.

This is what I was thinking about yesterday when I wrote in my post that we don’t seem to laugh at things that involve us. I can see the humor in my inability to remember a simple chore for more than a few weeks. Yes, our situation changed and that contributed to my forgetfulness. However, given the very painful consequences, you’d think that I would keep the few chores I have to do top of mind. I don’t. I’m sure that my spanking will correct me for a while, but sooner or later my bare butt will be paddled again because I forgot.

Lioness 4.0 is merciless when she spanks me. Even blood won’t stop her. I’m not sure why I seem to bleed during a spanking. No real sores are produced. In fact, I don’t show any bruises either. I figured it was due to the fact that my skin might be dry. I’ve been moisturizing my rear end almost every day. It has reduced the production of blood, but it hasn’t stopped it. No, it isn’t because I’m being spanked too hard or too much. It just seems to happen. Mrs. Lion has learned to consider it a normal side effect of my disciplinary education. The point is that she is going to complete her spanking regardless of my reaction.

I think that’s the most fearsome element to me. Punishment is inevitable and completely out of my control. Of course, that is how it should be.

Have you noticed that we’ve updated our website? The theme that we had been using for over six years was overhauled by its creator. The new version completely messed up our page. That forced me to find a new theme. It took a little while, but we finally got our site where we want it. I like it better than the one we had before. This one flows more easily and is more modern. I hope you like it.

Listen to this post.


  1. “Part of me wishes she would feel more.”

    As a reader? I do too. For myself – and for you.

    1. Author

      Thanks. Maybe she does feel it and doesn’t express it.

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