Through the magic of labeling boxes “Pantry” or “Bathroom”, I’ve been having a hard time finding things. When I opened a “Pantry” box yesterday, I found mostly non-pantry things. What the hell was I doing when I wrote on these boxes? The good news is that I found the long lost item we’ve been searching for. [Lion — Not her paddle collection.] [Mrs. Lion – Actually I found some of the paddles and I showed Lion. He must have repressed this memory.]

We had a late dinner and Lion promptly fell asleep watching our delayed viewing of Thursday night football. I guess neither one of us was in the mood for snuggling or Unlocktober activities. I’ve unofficially decided we’ll attempt an orgasm every other day. We may need to try every three days. We’ll see how it goes. Sometimes Lion’s mind is willing even if his body isn’t. He always apologizes if he can’t get anywhere, but there’s no need. It happens when it happens. It is what it is. Whatever will be, will be. [Lion — Que sera sera]

I’m sure my laid back attitude annoys Lion. He wants things to happen. But how do you pressure someone to be turned on? The more pressure, the less likely it will happen. And it’s not like I’m standing over him with a whip driving him to have an erection. (He might like that, but I don’t see myself doing it.) The sex is for him. If he’s not turned on enough to have sex, then we’ll try again later or the next day.

There are two things wrong with Lion’s Unlocktober rules: He says a session has to end in an orgasm regardless of how long it takes. And there should be no play involved. Obviously, as I said above, if he can’t, he can’t. Sometimes no matter how long you try, it just won’t happen. And what if tying his balls up with help with the first problem? However, since this is the first Unlocktober, I will follow his rules. We can tweak them next time around. [Lion – (I am pretty chatty today) — I think we can tweak them now. My rules were just a rough guideline. Feel free to modify or ignore them.]

I should mention that we went to a Mexican restaurant last night and Lion managed to stay clean. No spills! I got some on my shirt but that doesn’t count against him. He also remembered to tell me it was punishment day yesterday. He’s working hard to avoid swats. He’s a good boy.