I was very tired last night. All day yesterday, really. The only thing keeping me awake is the other people in my tiny office. Today there is no one. I thought I was somewhat well-rested. Not so. I’m falling asleep again.

Despite being tired, Lion and I snuggled. I had about a three minute nap so I guess I got my second wind. When Lion started purring and telling me how horny he was, I gave in. I wasn’t going to edge him. I was going to leave him horny. But I caved.

If you recall, he never made it to the edge on Tuesday night. I tried for quite a while to get him excited. He assured me he was horny. I don’t know if it was too late or if he was just out of practice. I haven’t been keeping up with my every-other-day promise. Moving has been too stressful and time consuming.

At any rate, I took pity on the poor lion and edged him. Of course, I don’t think he’ll agree that I took pity on him. What I really did was leave him panting and wanting more. I made it worse for him. Well, he asked for it.

To make matters even worse for him, I ended things with a little oral action. Sometimes I just take him in my mouth and suck a little bit. Other times I only kiss the tip of my weenie. Last night I sucked him a lot. I knew I was playing with fire. I’d gotten him very close by hand, but there’s something about having him in my mouth. Obviously he likes it too.

If I edge him again tonight, I think it may be mostly oral. I was going to do more last night, but I was too tired to move over between his legs. My fingers are crossed that I’ll have the energy to do it tonight. I bet Lion’s fingers are crossed too. As long as his legs aren’t crossed, we may be in business.