The drug Lion is on to control the pressure in his eyes makes him sleepy. He’s been pretty out of it since the day after he started taking it. I think that’s probably why he wasn’t as responsive on our anniversary. The problem, of course, is that we have a lot to do to get ready to move and I need him somewhat responsive for some of it.

Today I’m planning on starting in the dungeon. I’ll separate things into keep, toss, and ask Lion piles. When he feels up to it he can decide on those things. I’ll pack the toys into the giant rolling tool box we used to move them here. There’s less chance of people opening it now than there was when we moved cross country but it can still serve its purpose. I may even be able to drag it up our ramp into the truck to move it ourselves and we can reuse it for other things. No one said a giant toy box can’t be multipurpose.

Last night before dinner, I suspended Lion’s rule for spilling food. We had tostadas and I knew he’d be wearing most of it. He was wobbly and uncoordinated. It just didn’t make sense to punish him for something that couldn’t possibly be his fault. It’s the same reason I suspended his rules after his neck surgery. As much as he’d try to follow them, he wasn’t always able to. In fact, I’ll just suspend the spilling rule until he’s off the drug. That eliminates any possibility of punishment (for spilling) until I reinstate it. I know I’m his disciplining wife, but the wife part is most important. It’s my job to take care of him.

Needless to say, Lion wasn’t in the mood for play last night. Actually, he might have been but he spent a good portion of the evening snoozing. Fair enough, I was tired too. I was also trying to figure out how to put ten pounds of stuff in a five pound house, to paraphrase an old saying. I found a website that allows you to play around with furniture placement. Unfortunately, the only way to know if things fit, for sure, is to try it in the real world. What can you do?


  1. Lion has had his share of bad luck and by extension, so have you. I hope you are both back at the top of your games very soon.

    1. Me too! This gets old really fast.

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