heart-on male chastity device
This is the Heart-On male chastity device that Lion will be reviewing in the near future. It covers his cock and balls.

I don’t think Lion was very happy to see it but I brought the kitchen paddle into the bedroom last night. He certainly wasn’t happy when I told him I needed him on his knees. Grumble, grumble, grumble. Poor Lion. He’s not happy when he doesn’t get swatted. He’s not happy when he gets swatted.

I think spanking him while holding his balls behind him works better with a paddle, but I’m still not sure I really like the position. I’ll keep trying it on and off with different paddles to see if my comfort level improves. Obviously I’m not concerned with Lion’s comfort level. Last night he said we were done. Oh really? I didn’t think so. I kept going until I decided we were done.

Lion got yet another cage to review yesterday. When he first showed me a picture of it I thought it looked like a hand grenade. Now that I’ve seen it in person, I think it looks like a diving bell. It’s a plastic shell that holds weenie and the boys completely. Lion says it’s comfortable but we’ll wait till the weekend to do further testing in case he needs to get out of it quickly.

It took a bit of work, but I finally got Lion excited enough to be edged. I think we were both pretty tired. I got him really close quite a few times and then I locked him back up in the Cherry Keeper. I don’t really have a time frame for keeping him locked up. When we started enforced chastity, he was caged 24/7 except for when I played with him. Is there some reason he can’t be caged now? He says the Cherry Keeper is more comfortable than the Jail Bird and I think he lines up well for peeing.

I also don’t have a time frame for his next orgasm. I don’t have to. It will probably be a salvaged orgasm since I’m getting him dangerously close to the edge lately. Or maybe I’ll be in a mean mood and just let it be ruined. It’s all very fluid. And I don’t think Lion minds at all.

[Lion — I don’t see any reason why we can’t return to 24/7 lockup. I thought that’s what Mrs. Lion wants to do. Mrs. Lion is right. I am very flexible and I don’t mind waiting for my next orgasm. Of course, it doesn’t matter if I do mind.]