I decided Lion should have sore buns when we went out for propane. I whomped him pretty good and could see the beginnings of bruises. I planned to spank him again last night. Rather than multiple days, I was going for multiple sessions.

While we were out, we stopped for a very late lunch at one of our favorite restaurants. Lion had a salad. Mistake. I was looking at something on my phone and when I looked up, Lion had salad dressing dribbled down his shirt. Ironically, we were just talking about the punishment being meted out closer to the infraction. I guess the second set of swats would be the first set for spilling food.

Once we were back in the camper and Lion was naked, he was face down on the bed again. I haven’t been keeping track of the number of swats. I just swat away until I’m happy with the color of his cheeks and I think he’s suffered enough. This time I was looking to expand on the bruises I’d seen earlier.

As you know, Lion has an extremely tough butt. He seldom feels a spanking for very long. I have to bruise him if I want to get any longevity to the burning buns. But I’m almost certain he wouldn’t feel too much this morning.

Lion is a very subtle boy. Not. He was horny and wanted to play last night and he told me several times. The other day he said the sore spot on my weenie would be okay if I gave him oral sex. I’m nothing if not accommodating. Within minutes, Lion was at the edge. I guess he was horny. I edged him a few more times and then he had his orgasm. I was going to edge him one more time but the orgasm snuck up on me.

He informed me it was a ten day wait. Okay. Sure. Whatever. He keeps track. I guess I don’t think about the number of days if he’s not horny. His refractory period, if he’s sick with the flu or the days after a surgery don’t really count in my mind. He’s not thinking about sex. I’m not sure how to calculate it but it seems to me it should have something to do with his horniness level.

If I’m making him wait ten days but he’s not really horny until day six, has he really waited ten days? On the other hand, if I make him wait ten days and he’s super horny on day three, he’ll feel that ten days more. Does that make any sense?

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