We should have played last night. We didn’t the night before. Just after dinner, my stomach decided it didn’t like something. It really didn’t like it.

I was able to snuggle with Lion a little while later and tried to get him interested in more than just snuggling, but it was a no go. It was two days after an orgasm so my guess is that he really needed some play to get hard. He’d asked if I could give him a maintenance spanking. I agreed but then the stomach thing happened.

He asked for a spanking tonight. Assuming things go okay tonight, he can have one. I know he wanted a maintenance spanking but I still “owe” him a play spanking. I wonder if it matters to him which kind of spanking he gets. I think I’d rather give him a play spanking. We haven’t done that in a long time.

Of course, he’ll take whatever he gets. He has to. But he would certainly enjoy a play spanking more than a maintenance spanking. He hasn’t done anything to deserve a punishment spanking so, unless he does something between now and then, he’ll be getting a play spanking.

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