young moose
They really do exist!!

I’m writing as we bounce along the interstate. I took the first driving shift. It was the backwoods shift. The longer “half” of the drive, as Lion pointed out the other day. It doesn’t seem to matter that I do all the driving while we’re on vacation.

Yesterday we went searching for lunch. It turns out most of the nearest town and much of the other town we like to visit is closed on Sundays. We managed to find a place and then grabbed something for dinner too.

On the way back over the pass, I saw some movement ahead on the side of the road. I slowed down. It was dark colored like a horse. The head sort of looked like a horse. We were in range country. Then it walked across the road. A moose! A juvenile moose. I was excited.

Several years ago when we went to Yellowstone, I wanted to see a moose. Lion had almost been stepped on by one when he went more than a decade before. Apparently the moose population has taken a tumble. There were elk everywhere. There were bison everywhere. I even saw a white wolf. No moose. I decided moose were a myth. Unicorns and moose. Myths. Until yesterday. Lion has been teasing me ever since we saw it.

Today is punishment day. Lion reminded me early this morning. He normally doesn’t do very well reminding me on days he doesn’t write me emails. I guess, since I’ve been doing maintenance spanking, he doesn’t want to take any chances. I’m not sure why because the spankings are the same now, but I’m glad he’s been behaving. I’ll have to see how we feel once we get home and settled in. I may push maintenance spanking to tomorrow. A drive over six hours is a lot and we’re poised to hit home during rush hour. Yuck!