Lion dutifully put on a diaper at 5 pm yesterday. He was not happy. He was really not happy. There have been times when I’ve made him wear diapers that he’s looked uncomfortable. I’ve never seen him truly annoyed at the prospect of spending any amount of time in a diaper. Normally I would have let him off the hook right away. This time I was trying to stick to my guns. However, allergies won out. He was so itchy I had to let him jettison the diapers.

I think it was around 9:30 PM when I told him to go wash off so we could play. He said he was still dry from the last diaper change. Lion wasn’t responding to me much at all when I tried to arouse him. What he was doing was scratching. Everywhere. It wasn’t just where the diaper had been. Once I gave up on playing with him I said it didn’t make much sense to put him back in the diaper if he was going to be miserable.  He agreed. He wasn’t just scratching to get out of the diapers. He would have gone back in them if I’d insisted.

I may want to make Lion uncomfortable with Icy Hot or Velcro or clothespins, but I don’t want him to be uncomfortable in general. If it’s something he wants to be doing, he’ll endure. He would have had the normal reaction to wearing diapers if his allergies weren’t bothering him so much. I could have poked fun at him and he would have laughed with me. He would have made his usual buh, buh, buh comments. Yesterday was different. I’m just sorry it took me so long to realize there was a problem.

On another note, there have been a few comments about my acting like Lion’s mother. I don’t really want him to cry while I spank him. It’s taken me a long time to be able to spank him as hard as I do. It may not happen often, but there are times I’ve almost been in tears trying to spank as hard as he wants. I know I’m still not there which is probably the reason for almost crying. I’m letting him down. If he cries then I’ll definitely cry, so no tears for Lion. As far as changing Lion’s dirty diapers is concerned, I don’t want to humiliate him like that. I think wearing diapers goes far enough. If he expresses a real desire for me to humiliate him I’ll try to get past my reluctance.

[Lion — I don’t consider being changed as particularly humiliating. I’m fine with doing it myself. The only possible benefit to being changed by Mrs. Lion would be a chance for some more intimate contact. It might be sexy for her to change me, but it won’t humiliate me. For the record, wet disposable diapers don’t smell like pee and they aren’t dripping wet. The technology the manufacturers use turns the urine into a nearly-odorless gel.]