Lion did, indeed, spend Saturday afternoon and into the evening in diapers. I was probably too nice to him, however. I allowed him to change once he peed. He didn’t have to sit in a wet, sticky diaper for any length of time. Of course, he felt the need to volunteer information about how diaper-wearing could be made worse. Of course, I know I could have, and probably should have, made his life hell for Friday’s nonsense. But I was just trying to show my displeasure with his behavior.

As Lion was rattling off the various stages of diaper discomfort, I started thinking I should have a diaper scale. You know, one being the least and ten being the most. Something like a one is just for fun or even a warning shot. Two might be for a slightly more egregious offense. For example, if I have Lion wear a diaper like I did yesterday and I allow him to change it once he pees, maybe that’s a one on the scale. So here is the list I just came up with. I’m sure there will be some changes to it as we implement it. In general, Lion won’t have to sleep in the diaper unless I specifically say he should.

  1. Diaper must be worn at home any time Lion would normally be naked. It may be changed after one pee.
  2. Diaper must be worn at home any time Lion would normally be naked. It may be changed after two pees.
  3. Diaper must be worn at home any time Lion would normally be naked. It may be changed after two pees plus one hour.
  4. Diaper must be worn at home any time Lion would normally be naked. It may be changed after two pees, but just before the next pee.
  5. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed as soon as possible after wet.
  6. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed after one pee plus one hour.
  7. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed after two pees.
  8. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed after two pees plus one hour.
  9. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed after two pees, but just before the next pee.
  10. Diaper must be worn at all times. It may be changed by permission or when Mrs. Lion says so.

As you can see, it would behoove Lion not to piss me off too much. And I also don’t necessarily have to use it as punishment. It can be a training tool too. If I think Lion needs work on following directions, for example. There’s a lot to keep track of once he hits the two pees portion of the list. Keeping track of that hour might be difficult if we’re doing other things. And trying to do other things while in a wet, possibly saggy diaper will be difficult.

Lion loves structure. Here you go, my pet.


  1. Author

    Is Mr. Lion caged while in diapers?

  2. Author

    I guess I’m a simple guy but Mrs. Lion this is really a complicated system. I think I’d prefer a scale where each number represented 1 or 2 hours in diapers–regardless of how many pees… But that’s just me.

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