Mrs. Lion noted that I generally keep my eyes closed during play. I do it mainly to allow myself to focus on the sensations. She mentioned that I peek sometimes. That’s so I can see what’s coming and perhaps offer some helpful suggestions. Generally, these suggestions aren’t well received. A blindfold stops my comments.

The idea of sensory deprivation appeals to me. Without the use of my eyes, I am more helpless and I am surprised by what Mrs. Lion decides to do. A pair of earphones playing music would deprive me of aural information as well. I’ve never done this, but the thought of such total isolation is a bit exciting to me.

Because of my long experience and my “helpful” personality, I can intrude into Mrs. Lion’s topping space. She deserves to be free of my help. My role is to accept whatever she wants to do to me. You’d think after all these years I would learn to keep my mouth shut. I just can’t help myself. I think that mechanical aids would help me stay in my place.

When I’m strapped into the sling, I tend to be quieter. I can’t see what she is doing. My body blocks the view. All I can see is my erection which tends to extend across my belly.

I like playing in the sling. I’m helpless and very vulnerable. Mrs. Lion tends to reserve particularly strong sensations for the sling. She finds it handy to put hot stuff and clothespins on my balls and cock. She enjoys pegging me with larger toys when I am suspended. I feel stronger sensations.

I can also be attached, spread-eagle to the bed. It’s fun for me but access to me is more difficult for Mrs. Lion. The foot board gets in the way. So, the sling gives her easier access to me. The only thing that the sling isn’t particularly useful for is spanking. While my butt is exposed and up in the air, it’s an awkward angle for beating. Mrs. Lion prefers me face down on the bed for spanking.

We’ve gotten out of play mode due to our long bout with the flu. My interest in sex tends to wane when there is no play for a while. I don’t know why my libido is so strongly connected to BDSM activity, but it is.