Lion got one swat for each point either team scored. Plus, he got a swat for each penalty. In total, he received more that 78 swats.

The So-What Bowl actually turned out to be a good game. Both teams played well and the hated Patriots lost. More importantly, both teams scored a lot of points. Seventy-four points in total. Seventy-four hard swats on the Lion butt. Plus another seven or thereabouts for penalties. By the end Lion was praying no one else would score.

I decided to do hard swats since I really didn’t expect the score to be so high and trying to figure out how many of our now normal punishment swats added up to the equivalent of seven football points seemed like a lost cause right from the beginning. Lucky for Lion there were several missed kicks or he might have had another bunch of swats.

By the middle of the second quarter Lion started groaning when someone scored. He also let out a sigh of relief when a kick went wide or a catch was dropped in the end zone. His butt was pink after every barrage but it had time to calm down between scores. That’s not to say he didn’t feel it from one score to the next. The evidence was just gone. When I inspected him later there was one tiny mark on one cheek. Oh well.

I edged him once we got settled in after the game. I was considering just playing with him without actually taking him to the edge. You know, just get him hard and make him think he’s going somewhere without actually getting close. But I didn’t. In the end I gave him another surprise orgasm. I guess it was a consolation prize for “his team” losing.


    1. Author

      In an odd way it was fun for me, though I dreaded the next touchdown. Mrs. Lion apparently had fun too, but not the hitting part. She liked the apprehension I showed when someone got close to scoring.

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