atomic heat rub
I got Mrs Lion the roll-on version. I tested a patch on my balls. Ouch!!!!

Here we are in the middle of the week after Thanksgiving. I’m suffering lioness withdrawal. I loved having four whole days and nights with my sweetie. We’ll have two days together this weekend. We don’t have any plans so we can just relax together. Who knows? We may even get to play. Meanwhile, tonight is “sling night” so I can look forward to being suspended in the sling for some targeted lioness attention.

We’re really out of practice. So many health issues hit all that the same time that we have to work hard to get back where we were eight months ago. I’m sure we will get back. We are both committed to do it. Exactly what we do is something I get some voice in deciding.

I know that the fantasy is I am a hapless victim of whatever nefarious tortures that Mrs. Lion chooses to inflict. The reality is that almost every activity is suggested by me. That’s not a problem for me. Of course, as time has passed, I have less and less to say about our fun. Mrs. Lion may get initial inspiration for me, but she doesn’t accept input on what she might do at any given time.

I like that. It’s the name of the game, after all. Of course, like some other dominant women, Mrs. Lion may take my suggestion and then push it well past the point I want her to stop. That serves me right, she is happy to say. I may get to say what I might want, but I never get to say how much. For example, I like being spanked. But I don’t like how much Mrs. Lion spanks me. She likes to tell me that she’s giving me what I want.

She’s right. She is. But I didn’t imagine I would get as much as I do. “Oh, well,” she likes to say, letting her voice trail off. Indeed. Sometimes, when I see she is about to do something I really hate, I beg her not to do it. She might refrain. Or, she might just go ahead anyway with a little smile on her face.

When she starts to apply menthol or capsaicin rubs to my balls, my eyes get wide and I grit my teeth. I know that it takes several minutes before I feel the burn, but I remember how much I hate it. She might remind me that I bought it for her to use on me.

I did.

Stupid lion.