Poor Lion. He wrote a post about punishment and of not being punished in a while and now he’s going to be punished. I keep telling him he needs to watch what he says.

I’ve been looking the other way for quite a while when he interrupts me. He hasn’t been feeling well. Me either. But now he’s back to feeling a little better. Let the games begin.

Last night he wasn’t very frisky. I was trying for a while to no avail. I said I was going to use some clothespins but it didn’t seem worth it if he wasn’t in the mood. I doubt the clothespins would have made him suddenly friskier.

While looking at his post and the picture in it, he said he’s sure we can make OTK spanking work. “All I have to do” is take a bigger swing. I hate that phrase. Is that all? Actually all I have to do is have his weight on me while trying not to be pushed backwards while trying to take any sort of swing that will connect with his butt in sort of the right spot.

I don’t like OTK. We’re both overweight and that doesn’t make us fit together very well. Most of the pictures we see are of thin people. They can make it work. “All we have to do” is lose a lot of weight before OTK will work consistently for us. But I’ll be game and we can try it again tonight.


  1. Author

    Whatever happened to the diet regimen aggrement Lion was on?

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