Yesterday, I posted the first penis pic in a long time. The picture of my penis in its cage (image) provoked a comment from another caged male marveling that my cage is only 1 1/4 inches long. So, I posted another penis pic as my response to his comment. This time it is naked and shows why I have such a short cage (image). The only one missing from the set is me erect to show how it grows. If anyone wants to see that, I’ll post it too.

Pretty much every blog about male chastity, domestic discipline, and spanking contains material that wanders off the main theme. Ours certainly does. There are endless kinks and people practice them in all combinations. So we are bound to write about practices that won’t appeal to some of our readers. The same is true of blogs I read. They often discuss things that don’t particularly turn me on.

I read them anyway; every single word. The reason I do this is that I am learning about the people whose words I like to read. Even though I have no interest in cuckoldry, I like to see how someone I like practices it. No, it doesn’t inspire me to ask Mrs. Lion to take a lover. But it is interesting for me to try to understand why it appeals to the writer.

You probably don’t find diapering particularly interesting. We write about it here now and then. It’s something Mrs. Lion does to me for both play and punishment. It’s been quite a while and while I am not fond of it when it is happening, I miss it. It’s our kink. It’s a form of humiliation play I think. I wonder how it would feel if Mrs. Lion actually changed me. Oh well, I digress.

I suspect that I am revealing something about myself when I share everything we do, even if off topic. You may enjoy getting to know us in all these intimate ways. If you do, I suspect it isn’t important what kink we write about. On the other hand, if your interest is reading arousing descriptions of male chastity or domestic discipline scenes, then a lot of our posts won’t interest you at all. You’ll probably find other reading closer to your interest.

We don’t read or write for some narrow, sexual purpose. I’m pretty sure that you don’t either. Our objective here is to provide accurate information about enforced male chastity and domestic discipline. We want our writing to be useful to both men and women. As it turns out, we also write about other kinks as we uncover and adopt them. I hope you find that fun too.

On the home front, things are getting back to pre-surgical normal. Last night I was spanked for the first time since April. Mrs. Lion punished me for getting food on my shirt. Her swats are as strong as ever. I think she took it easy on me and gave me a less-severe-than-usual beating. Her swats were very hard; there were just less of them.

We went out to dinner and in the car I mentioned that we haven’t used diapers in a long time. Mrs. Lion responded that she rarely has me wear them. That’s true. I guess I am asking her to put me in them again, maybe more often. I also asked if she could do the diapering. Usually I just put on the depends pull-ups. We have some regular diapers (I think). I just wonder how it would feel to have to ask her to change me. Curiosity may yet kill the big cat.

I also asked her to strictly enforce the no-interrupting rule. She said that we both interrupt each other. It’s true. I pointed out that I’m the one not allowed to do it. I’m sure that enforcing this rule will result in more punishment for me, but it will improve me in a way I truly want. It doesn’t take too many spankings and/or other punishments to make me much more aware of what I do.



  1. Author

    I have only been in chastity for approx 4 months. I am wondering is there any truth to the rumor that long term chastity causes shrinkage? Have you noticed that in your experience?

    1. Author

      It doesn’t change your anatomy at all. That’s a chastity urban myth.

  2. Author

    I certainly agree with your stance on writing about who you are in more ways than just a single narrow kink. That is what makes blogs like yours very interesting, it’s about REAL people who I can relate to. Yes, there may be things you write about that are not my kink, like diapering, but it is still interesting to read about how you think about it. Actually, I do have some memories from my youth about finding the thought of being diapered to be exciting and I could easily bring them back to life with some encouragement for Strict Julies blog.
    Even non-sexual things can be of interest. I have suffered from chronic shoulder pain for years and have been very interested in your experience with surgery for your shoulder.
    I am always impressed with the amount of thought you put into your writing and do appreciate your taking the time and effort to do so.

    1. Author

      Thanks for your excellent feedback. It makes sense to have your shoulder checked out. I’m glad I did, though recovery from the surgery is really more painful and difficult than I imagined. Diapers are much more fun in fantasy than reality. But it is a kind of activity I think makes sense for me.

  3. Author

    More fun in fantasy than reality, that’s about how my brain works too!

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