Mrs. Lion is in research mode. She has been conducting a number of “experiments” that involve me. She wanted to try for daily orgasms to see if I could sustain that much activity after years of fairly infrequent opportunities. That experiment has been interrupted by issues that I’ve been having not related to sex at all. It’s frustrating for both of us.

I encourage Mrs. Lion to try new things even if the outcome is guaranteed to be unpleasant for me. Usually, she likes to stick to the tried and true. That’s why she spanks me for breaking rules. I can’t fault her for that. Virtually every disciplinary wife uses spanking as her go-to punishment. It seems to be universally effective in making a point to a husband in need of correction. It certainly does for me.

I’ve suggested alternatives or enhancements she might try. The only one she has adopted is zapping me with the training collar when we are out. It is pretty effective. It gets my attention and stops me in my tracks. I am careful to avoid trouble when I wear it.

When I think about the alternative punishments I suggest she might use, I realize that there is little reason to adopt any of them. If this were a D/S scene, I could argue that variety improves the fun. But it isn’t. The only reason to vary a punishment is to make it better fit the crime. Or, because she might want to experiment.

I think that Mrs. Lion doesn’t like to take the risk of doing something “wrong”. This is the main reason she hasn’t branched out. Of course, as we both learned with spanking, practice makes perfect. She is very good at spanking with a paddle or wooden spoon.

If I want to see how it feels to experience something new, like mouth soaping, then I should ask and then experience it in a non-disciplinary setting. I understand that discipline isn’t a menu of painful or humiliating consequences I get to choose from. Well, it could be if Mrs. Lion wants; but it isn’t right now. I don’t think I would care to make that kind of choice. It’s like digging my own grave.

Anyway, I’ve come to understand that BDSM type stuff is something I might love to hate. That’s not true of punishment. It can’t be. So, while I am always available for Mrs. Lion’s experiments, if I want her to try something on me, I must ask for it in a play setting. Right now, I’m not ready to ask for anything that I won’t like.