We are headed to a peninsula. The RV park is right on a bay. I think all but one of our trips this year is on water. But that’s not what you came here to read.

We went out shopping for Lion clothes last night. We were tired and didn’t play. Somehow we’ll get back on track. I now owe Lion another round of swats for spilling food on his shirt. He’ll definitely get them this weekend.

I think I’ll have Lion wear the shock collar for at least part of the weekend. That way I can let him know of he’s misbehaving. Not that I think it will be a problem. He’ll be fine. I just like the idea of being able to zap him for my own amusement.

Since we haven’t been playing, we’ve fallen behind on Lion’s all-you-can-come buffet. I don’t know if it’s possible for us to catch up, but we can sure try.

I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things. I hate when we’re both too tired to do anything. We haven’t even been snuggling. This weekend ends that.