As Mrs. Lion mentioned, I drove to the campground yesterday. It was a pretty easy 150 miles. We only crossed two mountain passes. We made our obligatory homage at Walmart and picked up some needed groceries and sundries. Since my orgasm three days ago, Mrs. Lion hasn’t felt well enough to play. Friday night she made a little attempt but I wasn’t feeling very interested in sex. The problem is that if I don’t get consistent stimulation, my interest fades into the background. I can be brought back, but it takes more work.

In my case, at least, the interest will resurface eventually on its own. It can take anywhere from a few days to a week. This is a function of age. Most men over forty react in a similar way. When stimulation is present; porn, visuals, or direct touching, the horny returns. Since porn usually has no effect on me and I have no opportunities for stimulation unless it is provided by Mrs. Lion, my libido sinks into the sunset until either Mrs. Lion or my internal sexual clock gets me started again. This makes waiting for my next orgasm easier. Then why am I disappointed when Mrs. Lion doesn’t stimulate me for several days?

The reason is that I like the game. I find it fun when I ache for release and get edged over and over. Mrs. Lion knows that, and for two nights she was under the weather. On the third, Friday, my interest was low and she was ready to do something. She has said that she won’t force me to play if I’m not horny. So, she and I snuggled in an asexual way. I know that she doesn’t play with me out of respect for my feelings. But what seems like a good deed actually feeds into my interest dropping further the next day.

I’ve been thinking about this. Clearly it would be totally unfair to ask Mrs. Lion to stimulate me when she is feeling badly. It would make me feel guilty if she tried. So, if like this week, I am not stimulated for two nights and on the third report being not horny, should Mrs. Lion disregard my status? I don’t think so. If the game is to make my waits as difficult as possible, then my hormones need to flow at full force.

It isn’t that easy, of course. When I am not feeling horny, Mrs. Lion has to work very hard to get a rise out of me. I know she doesn’t get discouraged and quits. I think she quits because I am not still not interested. While enforced chastity may be something she wants to do because of its effects on our marriage, the stimulation is to make me happy. If I don’t appear to be having fun when she plays with my penis, she stops.

The same thing happens with ruined orgasms. As soon as I crash after the ruined orgasm, I get soft again. According to other people practicing orgasm control, if she continues stimulating my penis anyway, eventually I will get hard and can be edged or have another ruined orgasm. It may take some time, but I have been assured it will work.

I’m sure you can see where this is heading. The question we need to answer is: who controls whether or not I am horny? We already know Mrs. Lion owns erections and orgasms. But does she also own my general state of arousal? I would like her to possess that too. She has to decide if she wants the added work.

OK, what is a lioness to do if I stubbornly refuse to get hard? The answer is to do the same thing she does when I need a spanking: tell me to suck it up buttercup and go about her business. Currently, she has her hands and mouth to provide stimulation. She can add some electrical help with a vibrator if she wants. You know, live better electrically. Just as I can’t refuse a spanking, it seems reasonable that I shouldn’t be permitted to refuse an erection, edging, or ruined orgasm.

This all comes down to control. In my way of thinking, sexual control means ownership of all sex including how horny I am. If the lion weather report reports low levels of horny, then the lioness should seed the lion clouds to get his level up again. This takes time and energy. I don’t know how much, but I do know it will take some. It will almost certainly mean more stimulation at less convenient times, like before or just after dinner; or at lunchtime when we are together. I suspect that when stimulation occurs more regularly, these additional sessions won’t be required often, but at times like now they would go a long way. Mrs. Lion has to decide if she wants to make this additional physical and time investment. Maybe obtaining a vibrator can cut the time and energy she needs to invest to a minimum. But it still comes down to how she wants to spend her spare time.


  1. Author

    Hello Mr. Lion, you argue like Descartes, a philosopher 400 years ago. For him there was a dualism of body and soul, and that means in your case between your sexual or physical desire and your stimulation by Mrs. Lion. But that is nonsense, because both are parts of the same universe. No one is bound to divide human being into body and soul, no one can confidently argue that there doesn’t exist another or even more parts of your existence which influence your behaviour. You never would bring your right ear and your left foot into only one connection, and so it is strange to postulate a closed relationship between your desire and Mrs. Lion’s stimulation.
    I would recommend you to uncouple both parts of your relationship. If you see the totality of aspects belonging to your relationship, you will find plenty of combinations that open you many chances. For ex. bring her smiling together with your obedience; her orders with your happiness being her servant; her spanking with your dreams; her clothes with your driving; and of course her orgasms with your ruined orgasms. There are innumerable relations which open your mind. And then, surely, you will find your partnership much more fruitful and sexy as before. To focus on only one element leads to a dead end, to enjoy the many components of the relationship offers new energy.

    1. Author

      This is the first metaphysical argument about being horny that I have seen. The issue is physical, not philosophical. Human males under the age of forty can get erections just by seeing a pretty ass or breasts. Even if they don’t have sex, their interest remains high. As we age, we become sexually more opportunistic. Our bodies respond to direct stimulation and we are less likely to get spontaneous erections. In my case, without direct stimulation on a very regular basis, I will begin to “forget” about sex. A wait of three days or two weeks are equally easy to handle if I am just left locked in my cage. Without my endocrine system pumping male sexual hormones at a high level, I lose interest. Since the way Mrs. Lion and I practice enforced chastity, she wants me to feel more and more need for sex (horniness) as my wait continues, in order for me to keep wanting sex more and more, I need steady teasing to keep my sexual hormones flowing. My point is that the post has nothing to do with the totality of our relationship, but is about overcoming the physical limitations of my body to produce the effect we both desire.

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