I asked Lion if he liked being wild. He said he loved it. I told him it was too bad he had to be locked up again. He said he didn’t have to be if I just decided to leave him wild. I guess that’s true. I could wave my magic wand and allow him to be free. But we have an agreement. He will be caged at least until 2016. I know I can never keep the date straight. The other day I wrote 2045. Despite this, I know it’s not 2016 yet. Therefore, a full time wild Lion is not to be.
My question was more along the lines of whether he still views it as a reward. I guess he does. For a while he didn’t like the idea of being wild as a reward. I know he still views his coupons as cheating. For whatever reason, if he earns points to obtain an orgasm, that’s somehow different from using a coupon for an orgasm. What if the orgasm coupon was given as a reward for some tasks he performed? I don’t understand his reasoning, but there are many things I don’t understand.
At any rate, Lion will be wild for our trips. It’s easier for him. And easier for me not to have to remember the key. There’s a trip planned that sort of morphs two trips together. He could potentially be wild for twelve days straight. Yikes. I think that will be the longest time he’s been wild since his caging. Even when he sent the cage back for sizing I think it was less than twelve days. A Lion could get used to that. But he better not. Mr. Weenie will be back in his cage when we get home.
Of course there’s always the potential for rewards for a wild weenie. As long as I know he’s open to the idea, we can do it.
There’s really no good reason for him to remain wild on your 12 day trip. Supposedly the RV trip wildness was due to the toilet (which sounded weak to me), but unless there’s air travel involved in this vacation, there’s no reason he shouldn’t be caged. Just take your key (and pack an emergency key in your luggage) and you can let him out if it’s necessary. But I can’t see why it’d be necessary on a vacation unless you want to use your toy.