Today is our first chastity anniversary. Mrs. Lion locked me up a year ago today. On February 7, 2014 in my first post, I memorialized this moment.

Right after New Year I approached Mrs. Lion about the idea of locking me up. She said, “If you want.” Did I! So, I put on the shortest cage and gave her the keys. She looked bemused, smiled and took the keys from me.

Things heated up after that. Two weeks later she informed me that she wanted me in a diaper from Friday after work until Monday morning when I dressed for work. That lasted for some time. I don’t remember why we stopped, but we did.

In March my Jail Bird arrived and I switched from the Chinese cage to the much-more comfortable Jail Bird. Life went on. I became more used to being locked up. Mrs. Lion tried a variety of chastity strategies that ranged from an orgasm a day for me to longer waits. I never actually waited more than nine days. Somehow, she managed to give me an orgasm before the wait went too long.

Over the last year we went through many changes. One of the biggest for both of us was sex. Sexually we had drifted apart over the years. Mrs. Lion almost never wanted (or said she wanted) an orgasm. Very occasionally, once a month or less, she would masturbate me. I took matters into my own hand the rest of the time. We had no sex life.

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Once I was locked up, my ability to masturbate was gone. Mrs. Lion hadn’t realized I had been jerking off. In fact, when I told her, she unlocked me and had me masturbate while she watched. That was last January and was the last time I masturbated. Every orgasm since has been provided by Mrs. Lion.

This, of course, meant that she had to be aware of my sexual needs. As we discussed, she understood that I didn’t expect to be locked up and forgotten. She knew that I wanted to give her orgasms too.

It took quite a while to work through this. At one point she decided that at least every other day she would provide me some sort of sexual stimulation. It might be tease and deny, or it could be anal play, or something else. She has kept that commitment, and with the exception of a few days when either she or I was not feeling well, the cage has come off or my butt has been penetrated every other day. She has become very proficient at bringing me within a stroke or two of orgasm and stopping. On a few occasions she gave me a ruined orgasm. She doesn’t like those any more than I do.

Recently, she has been giving me more oral orgasms, and on occasion has ridden me until I come. Of course, the majority of my releases have been with her hand. Once in a while she feeds me the result.

Within the last month or so, Mrs. Lion has been much more confident in her control. She has also committed to letting me give her orgasms. She schedules those the same way she schedules mine. We both hope this activity will restore her libido. It’s too soon to know how successful we are, but I am confident that there are some subtle signs of change. The signs are physical; she gets wetter faster. That doesn’t mean her mind has caught up, but her body is much more responsive than it was months ago.

Another area of change for us both is in relation to sensation play and discipline. Mrs. Lion worried that she didn’t get turned on by giving me pain. She realizes that is normal. I was a top for decades and never got hard administering sensations to my bottom. I just liked doing it. I get the feeling that Mrs. Lion is starting to enjoy it too in a non-sexual way.

One of the hardest changes for her was administering discipline. She isn’t a disciplinarian by disposition. She has to work hard to notice rule infractions and to punish me as required. Her principle punishment is spanking. Her punishment spankings have changed a great deal. They have gone from a few playful whacks with a paddle to genuinely painful swats with a lot of force behind them.

We have a way to go there, however. She has told me that punishing me is something she does because she knows I want it. She’s become stricter because she knows I want that. That’s fine. I have to admit that my feelings toward being a disciplinarian weren’t much different. The only area for improvement in our second year is to have less concern about how much she is hurting me and to make sure I get as much punishment as I deserve. I have to learn to stay still when it gets painful and not wriggle or turn over. I hope she trains that out of me.

Over this first year I have been locked up or when allowed to run around uncaged, I have been under her direct supervision. Last Thursday I was unlocked so that I could send my Jail Bird back for smaller base rings. Mrs. Lion decided not to lock me up with the Chinese cage, but wait until my Jail Bird is returned.  This is the first time I have been wild and not with her. Being locked up all that time has changed me. In my cage or not, I’m not going to come unless it is by her hand. She owns my sexuality 100%.

The most significant change over our first year is that we each independently decided that enforced chastity is good for us both individually and as a couple. There have been times I have hated being locked up and times Mrs. Lion didn’t need the complications of having a caged partner. But this practice has restored our sex life. It has brought us together in ways we never imagined.

We both know that this won’t be our last chastity anniversary. There will be many more to come.