My new panties
In a very weak moment, after the fumes from Mrs. Lion’s nail painting made me giddy, I ordered these online. (Left) front view of pink panties, (Right) back view of green pair. What was I thinking!

Our year is ending with a bang. My sexual activity has gone up amazingly. I think I will have had four or five orgasms (at least) in December alone. See the liontracker for details. I get a couple of days off before my New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day orgasms. Mrs. Lion had a post-Christmas orgasm and has another one scheduled for January 2. The lion den is just sex, sex, sex this holiday season. I’m not complaining at all. It’s been great fun.

Even more interesting is Mrs. Lion’s change in attitude. She has become more of a femdom keyholder. I don’t want to ascribe any motives, but she is far less interested in how I like her decisions. Most notably her decision to paint my toenails. I’m not fond of women with painted toenails and I can say without hesitation that I truly dislike seeing my size twelve, bright, pink big toes when my feet loom into view. I have made some humiliation suggestions from time to time, but never, ever suggested nail polish. Yuck! I’m not going to whine about this further. I do see this new blow to my male ego as a serious step forward for Mrs. Lion, if a mincing one back for me.

She not only came up with this odious idea on her own, but has turned a deaf ear to my  objections. I can’t really growl about this. After all, it’s what I wanted all along. Didn’t I? Didn’t I?  Because I am basically stupid, I ordered two absolutely horrid pairs of Manties male panties. If I end up wearing these (and others?), this time it’s my own fault. I got that little humiliating “thrill” and acted on it. It could be a tossup between these and my painted nails for most-hated change in my life. I’m pretty sure they will make Mrs. Lion laugh. That’s their one redeeming quality.

What have we learned? One: I have some interest in private humiliation. Two: I have no interest in being feminized. That’s why item “one” works. Three: I have to learn to keep my big ideas to myself, and Four: I should be very careful what I order online. And five: I’m not a very bright lion.